“For the sake of others you renounce your privacy…” - Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche
I reread this idea above recently. It stopped me in my tracks.
“Why in the world, again, would I renounce my privacy? To help others? Huh?”
When I think of privacy, I don’t think about medical records or my “data.” I think of my mind and all that runs through it.
Way back when, I was terrified of sharing many of my thoughts.
All the doubts and fears and reactions and anxieties and sadness and hurt and processes and insecurities and mistakes...oh.
My failures. When I was wrong. When I was responsible for hurting someone. When I was mean…or envious…
Or when I knew it was right to say, “I’m sorry” and deeply mean it but…I couldn’t.
I think I was trained to hide all of this stuff because, surely, it would make me far less attractive to other humans…
I wanted the “privacy” to all THAT stuff in my mind.
If people thought I was…perfect…and didn’t see my shortcomings…all would be great, right?
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