I have loved reading these CFC Spotlights and getting to hear little snippets and stories from the lives of people in this special community. So today I decided to spotlight some short quotes from the last few months…
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I have loved reading these CFC Spotlights and getting to hear little snippets and stories from the lives of people in this special community. So today I decided to spotlight some short quotes from the last few months…
Read MoreQuestion for Bob:
What is one thing that is small and perhaps nuanced or surprising and perhaps typically sub conscious that you can tell drives you each day ?
Read MoreQuestion for Tristan:
The Serenity Prayer offers: “Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference…”. With this thought, does something come to mind that you couldn’t change but had (or are having) trouble accepting ?
Read MoreQuestion for Robert:
There is an idea that we can learn from every single person on the planet. But there are also deeply ingrained habits we have been trained in that “teachers” have a formal designation which might limit our scope for learning. With that thought, does someone come to mind in the past five weeks that you wouldn’t consider a “formal” teacher at all but who you learned something special from… (perhaps even someone you aren’t even fond of) ?
Read MoreQuestion for Alice:
Can you recall a specific moment in the last four months that you were in what you would consider to be “nature” and thought or felt for at least a split second that “maybe all is actually right with the world” ?
Read MoreQuestion for Mike:
Does one person first come to mind: In your very very first “adult” job -- when you were perhaps first out of college or over the age of 21 let’s say – is there someone that pops to mind who brings a smile to your face not because of anything in your specific relationship but just because of who they were or how they moved through the world?
Read MoreQuestion for Frank:
Can you recall a specific moment in the last four months that you were in what you would consider to be “nature” and thought or felt for at least a split second that “maybe all is actually right with the world” ?
Read MoreQuestion for Alex:
There is an idea that we can learn from every single person on the planet. But there are also deeply ingrained habits we have been trained in that “teachers” have a formal designation which might limit our scope for learning. With that thought, does someone come to mind in the past five weeks that you wouldn’t consider a “formal” teacher at all but who you learned something special from… (perhaps even someone you aren’t even fond of) ?
Read MoreQuestion for Suzi:
Does one person first come to mind: In your very very first “adult” job -- when you were perhaps first out of college or over the age of 21 let’s say – is there someone that pops to mind who brings a smile to your face not because of anything in your specific relationship but just because of who they were or how they moved through the world?
Read MoreQuestion for Corey:
Randy Pausch once wrote that “walls are put in front of us to see how badly we really want something.” Is there a project in life or work that came with (or comes with) many obstacles (i.e. “walls”) that revealed that your initial intention and excitement was not as strong as you thought it was ?
Read MoreQuestion for Howard:
What is one thing that is small and perhaps nuanced or surprising and perhaps typically sub conscious that you can tell drives you each day ?
Read MoreQuestion for Thor:
Can you recall a specific moment in the last four months that you were in what you would consider to be “nature” and thought or felt for at least a split second that “maybe all is actually right with the world” ?
Read MoreQuestion for MJ:
Randy Pausch once wrote that “walls are put in front of us to see how badly we really want something.” Is there a project in life or work that came with (or comes with) many obstacles (i.e. “walls”) that revealed that your initial intention and excitement was not as strong as you thought it was ?
Read MoreQuestion for Matt:
The Serenity Prayer offers: “Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference…”. With this thought, does something come to mind that you could have changed but felt (or currently feel) you are lacking the courage to change ?
Read MoreQuestion for Steph:
Can you recall a specific moment in the last four months that you were in what you would consider to be “nature” and thought or felt for at least a split second that “maybe all is actually right with the world” ?
Read MoreQuestion for Robert:
What is one thing that is small and perhaps nuanced or surprising and perhaps typically sub conscious that you can tell drives you each day ?
Read MoreLast month, Pip shared with me this story, and I've had it "pinned" in my inbox - it's something I've re-read now multiple times as it truly moved me. We wanted to share it more widely. And with tomorrow being a holiday celebrating love, relationships, and human connection, I thought it could be fitting :)
This note also reminds me of the feeling I've experienced in gatherings within this community with you all. The sense of togetherness, deep curiosity, uncommon trust, and warmth that I feel permeate the space with one another is like being covered in that sweet powdered sugar, as mentioned in the story below. And I just love that metaphor.
- AP
Read MoreQuestion for Lan:
Can you recall a specific moment in the last four months that you were in what you would consider to be “nature” and thought or felt for at least a split second that “maybe all is actually right with the world” ?
Read MoreQuestion for Benji:
Randy Pausch once wrote that “walls are put in front of us to see how badly we really want something.” Is there a project in life or work that came with (or comes with) many obstacles (i.e. “walls”) that revealed that your initial intention and excitement was not as strong as you thought it was ?
Read MoreQuestion for Jörgen:
There is an idea that we can learn from every single person on the planet. But there are also deeply ingrained habits we have been trained in that “teachers” have a formal designation which might limit our scope for learning. With that thought, does someone come to mind in the past five weeks that you wouldn’t consider a “formal” teacher at all but who you learned something special from… (perhaps even someone you aren’t even fond of) ?
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