#386: SPOTLIGHT: Alex Tulloch
Question for Alex:
There is an idea that we can learn from every single person on the planet. But there are also deeply ingrained habits we have been trained in that “teachers” have a formal designation which might limit our scope for learning. With that thought, does someone come to mind in the past five weeks that you wouldn’t consider a “formal” teacher at all but who you learned something special from… (perhaps even someone you aren’t even fond of) ?
Alex's Response:
There are 2 teachers in this story! I was scrolling through Instagram the other day and I saw this post of Regina King and Jimmy Kimmell. It was her first time back on the show since the passing of her son who died by suicide in the beginning of 2022. Jimmy - who almost lost his son back in 2017 to a heart condition - gets his first sentence out and immediately starts tearing up. Then Regina grabs his hand and I start crying! I was shocked, I couldn't explain why their moment got to me so hard. I still can't. What I do know is that Regina and Jimmy refreshed me on this: true connection is impossible to block. It was a moment of deep, raw, primal humanity that I rarely witness anymore, and on live TV no less - usually a place devoid of genuine emotion. I was so grateful to stumble upon that 30 second lesson and I hope to stay attuned to those types of signals moving forward.
Amanda’s thought…
I suspect Alex would love all direct responses from you. I find it incredibly encouraging when I hear from any of you after I share my thoughts. It is powerful for me. I assume many others have a similar experience. So here is Alex's email… pip
Alex, I found this to be such a powerful story and moment to be captured on video. Thank you for including the links to watch. Sometimes I think it's simply being in the presence of someone's kind and loving energy that ignites vulnerability and raw emotion. No words need to be exchanged, it's just a "knowing" I find that comes with being next to someone special. I loved reading and watching this, Alex; it brought tears to my eyes as well.
- AP