CFC BLOG #301: Spring-Themed Anti Pet Peeves

As many probably already know, I Iove to reach out to a few community members at the start of every season and ask if they would like to contribute an anti pet peeve about it - something small that brings them joy during that particular time of year. So the spring responses are compiled below, and they are all wonderfully different. I also discovered that Reed loves the anti pet peeve ask so much that he was compelled to write an entire little list, as you'll also see at the bottom!

Happy Spring everyone!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #290: Winter-themed Anti Pet Peeves

I think about a month into winter I start counting down the days til spring. But there's definitely some things I appreciate about this season specifically, and I decided to write a few of them down in my gratitude journal. And then I reached out to a handful of community members asking if they may have a winter-themed anti pet peeve to share too. I wanted to hear the moments of gratitude they experience too. I compiled the responses into a list below.

I hope you enjoy it! And don't forget to check out Angie's video attached. Hers is a great anti PET peeve :)

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #280: Autumn themed anti pet peeves ROUND 1

I reached out to different community members asking if they would contribute an anti pet peeve related to the season of autumn. I am sharing just a very small handful below as they are so rich. More to come a bit later! Sending joy your way today in this wonderful season of change. And please feel free to let me know if you have one you'd like to contribute :)


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CFC Blog #276: Summer-themed Anti Pet Peeves

A couple weeks ago, I asked a few different community members if they would share an anti pet peeve related to summer... something small that brings them great joy or excitement but can only be found in the heat of summer, either day or night! So today's blog has many different authors. I hope you enjoy these thoughtful summer-y responses. Wishing everyone a great weekend filled with many little moments of joy!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #267: Post-Earth Day Community Share

As Earth Day passed this year, I was (especially) in the mindset of thinking about the planet, the beauties of nature, and what can be done to help at an individual level. So I decided to reach out to a handful of community members afterwards to hear their own thoughts and appreciations as well. I received a few anti pet peeves and some great photos also. Here it is below! It makes me happy to continue spreading the spirit of Earth Day this month too :)

Happy Friday everyone!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #243: Grateful-Themed Anti Pet Peeves ROUND #1

With the holiday season upon us, and with a rather unprecedented year (almost!) behind us, I wanted to take some time to reach out to different members of the community to have an opportunity to share what everyone is thankful for. I called these gratitude-themed anti pet peeves in the spirit of thanksgiving and being appreciative of all the little joys despite life being quite different the last 9 months. So I hope these little notes fill your heart with gratitude as we begin the week.

*ALSO! This is just the first of THREE lists to be shared. So if you submitted an anti pet peeve and don’t see it here, more are still to come!*


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CFC Blog #230: Surprise-Related Anti Pet Peeves

Now that everyone seems to be fairly familiar with the term "anti pet peeve" and what it means, I wanted to reach out to a fresh group of community members to see if they may contribute one of their own. The theme for this month is "mystery/surprise" which seems to be relevant given the events/circumstances of the last six months. More and more it is becoming clear to me that I can't predict the future and that even if I have a scrutinized plan for myself, life is ever-changing and rather uncertain so perhaps I can simply be more open to and embrace changes and surprises that come my way. I hope you enjoy... Happy October!


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CFC Blog #221: Home-Related Anti Pet Peeves

With many people shifting to a work-from-home scene and/or just spending more time in their living space than usual the last few months, I decided it would be fun to collect anti pet peeves related to "home" from different community members to hear what little (perhaps unexpected?) joys they've experienced even under these odd circumstances. I hope you enjoy this diverse list. And have a Happy Thursday!


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CFC Blog #218: A Midweek Burst of Joy

After asking Leonore if she might share an anti pet peeve that is related to "home", wherever/whatever that may look like, she ended up sending me quite a few! And I couldn't help but want to share her detailed anti pet peeve list with the rest of the community. So, here they are! I hope they serve as a little midweek pick-me-up. They definitely put a smile on my face. I've found that when I ask new contributors to share an anti pet peeve, they find it hard to just stop at one! As it can perhaps be fun/easy to list them out once in the right mindset :)

Happy Wednesday everyone! Have a great rest of your week.

- Amanda

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Leonore NielsenComment
CFC Blog #213: Anti Pet Peeves (+Photos)

I love sharing the concept of anti pet peeves with new people. And then receiving from them one (or more!) of their own :) Here is a fresh list of anti pet peeves, or little things that bring immense joy. I also hope you enjoy the photos that come with them.

My personal anti pet peeve is shown in the picture above - we recently adopted a mama pup and her baby boy, and the boy loves to hold her leash on walks. He's a true mama's boy, and we love it :)

Happy Tuesday everyone! And as always, if you'd like to share your anti pet peeves too, please send my way!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #203: Quarantine-Themed Anti Pet Peeves (May 22, 2020)

Given the current state of the world, it's evident that everyone is experiencing a variety of challenges in their own unique situation. I appreciate the saying, "We are not all in the same boat... but we are all weathering the same storm." However, I have seen and heard how being in quarantine has actually brought people happiness and gratitude in different, perhaps unexpected ways. So I decided to reach out to some community members for quarantine-themed anti pet peeves in effort to spread the little joys amidst these strange, emotional times. I hope they create a little burst of positivity in your day.

Have a great weekend everyone!

- Amanda

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CFC BLOG #195: Earth Day-Themed Anti-Pet Peeve Collections - Part 1

Happy Earth Day everyone! Today's my favorite holiday for countless reasons. Actually, many are listed below! I hope you enjoy reading these earthy anti pet peeves, or little things in nature that bring great joy, shared by different community members. And don't forget to take some time to breathe in the extra fresh air today!

P.S. Look out for Part 2 with more nature anti pet peeves - coming this afternoon!

- Amanda

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CFC BLOG #191: Anti Pet Peeves - A Dose of Joy

I know I’ve certainly been experiencing a rollercoaster of emotions lately due to the current state of the world .. but this time of crisis has also made me hyper aware and hyper appreciative of when little moments of joy take place, or should I say, anti pet peeves! For example, the best part of my day yesterday was watching an older couple, clearly still very in love, laugh hysterically as they ran away from a gator that had made its way out of the nearby swamp (for context - I'm in Florida).

So, here’s a few anti pet peeves that some community members contributed recently. We've also been posting some anti pet peeve photos on instagram if you are curious:

Let’s keep on spreading the joy! And feel free to send me any of your own anti pet peeves whenever you feel compelled :)

- Amanda

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CFC BLOG #188: Another Joyful List of Anti-Pet Peeves

I had collected anti pet-peeves for the month of February, asking some community members to share a single anti-pet peeve of theirs. However, I am discovering a common occurrence when I ask people to share their anti pet-peeve: Once they start with one, it's hard to stop!

Below is the list that Matthias graciously came up with and shared. What a great way to start a new month! Enjoy!

- Amanda

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