CFC Blog #244: Grateful-Themed Anti Pet Peeves ROUND #2
And here is our second round of gratitude sharing! Turns out there will actually be TWO more rounds coming after this one, which is an anti pet peeve of mine in itself (when my gmail continues to light up with one APP email after another... more than I expect to see!)
Grateful-Themed Anti Pet Peeves
My APP is having more time to hang in front of the fire with Daisy and the rest of my family! And one other is for Amanda for putting these joyful thoughts together as it makes me happy to read them all! (photo attached) - Ellen Sirot
I'm thankful that the challenges (aka Hell) of recent months helps me appreciate even more what things were like in, say, January. It is so easy to lose track of what is quiet but profoundly meaningful -- relationships, "normalcy"... until it is radically disrupted. Adapt, reconnect, grow, calibrate. - Alex Knight
This year I’m thankful for time. Not having to commute saves me almost 3 hours a day. On top of so many cancelled events, activities, and gatherings I found myself with quite a bit of extra time this year. What did I do with that time? Well I definitely worked more. And I think I exercised more. But the best benefit was having more time to relax and hang out with my family. And yep without a doubt some time was wasted but it sure has been exciting to have some new options. - Frank Cioffi
I am grateful that during quarantine I found my extra time home “stuck” without a lot of work happening and no travel and limited outside social interaction such a treat with a partner I truly enjoyed being with every moment and even more so each day! I wasn’t ready to run back to work, but was sad to lose the extra time together each day.
I am thankful the pandemic created a Sunday cul de sac socially distanced meeting of neighbors whom we knew only with a wave from a distance, but we now call friends and look forward to seeing each week!
I feel quite blessed to have these positive experiences from such an unimaginable awful worldwide experience. - Pamela Sherman
I am grateful for combining two of my favorite morning routines - going for a run and walking my dogs. Who knew Brody was a runner!? (Photo attached) . - Christina Posa
This year I am very thankful for Dr. Elizabeth Fortin at Mass Eye & Ear for quickly diagnosing my son Matt as having a very rare neurological disease called MOG. I'm also thankful for key inventions and progressions of Dr. Edwin J. Cohn and many others whose work eventually led to Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG)--an infusion of antibodies taken from the blood of 100's of healthy donors which so far is keeping Matt's MOG at bay. -Drew Beja
I'm grateful for the challenges because I know they yield the elements of growth, evolution and character I hope for. I'm grateful for one picture that I can share that simultaneously illustrates this gratitude, shares what I am grateful for and gives an update to my friends on our lives. And I'm really grateful for the CV Community for Change for being a constant bright spot of contemplation and action amongst thoughtful, caring people (photo attached). - Jack Elkins
I am thankful for the sunrise and sunset surprises the Lord sometimes gives us. This particular picture was my “gift” for having to wake up at 3:30 for one of those dreaded 6:00 am flights (y’all know the deal!) in Providence, RI (Photo attached) - Mo Pickens
- Ellen Sirot
- Jack Elkins
- Christina Posa
- Mo Pickens