CFC Blog #282: Autumn themed anti pet peeves ROUND 3
Hi all! Here is our third and final round of autumn-themed anti pet peeves. Two community members have shared why fall is their favorite season, and I love their different and very unique reasons as to why that is :) Hope you enjoy the photo collages attached as well !
- Amanda
Autumn-Themed Anti Pet Peeves - Round 3
I LOVE this time of year - it's definitely my favorite season. For relatively small things that truly bring me great joy, here are a few:
Water bottle filling stations! Our office just had one installed and I couldn't be happier!
Fall hikes! Just begin out in nature, away from the rest of the world, on a crisp day surrounded by beautiful foliage! Maybe that's not small enough because it just gives me life!
Butternut squash & ginger soup. A chef friend makes a version of this that I have ineptly tried to replicate, but either way is SO AMAZING!
And lastly, at this particular time, the "small" thing that is truly rocking my world and has me overflowing with joy is the pending birth of my daughter - due on Halloween! Her imminent arrival is why I'll miss the gathering on 10/20.
- Richard Uniacke
The changing colors of leaves, and fall walks with friends.
- Bailey Coburn
For me, Autumn is heading to eastern Long Island to a local farm to pick apples and enjoy the family festivities. I love picking apples and tasting the different varieties the orchard has to offer. We’ll team up and see who can come out of the corn maze first, and then we’ll enjoy a glass of wine while we listen to live music. My girls are a big fan of the roasted corn and apple cider donuts. (photo collage attached)
- Diana Magana
For fun –– since Fall is my favorite season I actually have a few:
Trash wafts are far fewer and less pungent on the streets of NY
Daily scarves
The way you can feel your skin literally shrinking against the colder air, getting ready for cozier times
The way the rustle and tumble of leaves is a little bit scratchy and edgy on the ears compared to the whispering hopefulness of leaves in the wind in the Spring
- Veta Bates
#1 - Watching the Earth, as an example of the normalness, naturalness, and purposefulness of change - how the trees deliberately shed their leaves to endure the impending cold, how there is never doubt that new leaves will come again, how the process of this change is actually so beautiful when witnessed in its detail.
And #2 - A bit less metaphoric, but also gotta love cute pups with foliage backdrops. (photo collage attached)
- Christina Posa
- Christina Posa
- Diana Magana