CFC Blog #221: Home-Related Anti Pet Peeves
With many people shifting to a work-from-home scene and/or just spending more time in their living space than usual the last few months, I decided it would be fun to collect anti pet peeves related to "home" from different community members to hear what little (perhaps unexpected?) joys they've experienced even under these odd circumstances. I hope you enjoy this diverse list. And have a Happy Thursday!
Home-Related Anti Pet Peeves
When I need a break from work and I can simply walk into the next room, plug in my electric guitar, and mangle blues standards to my heart's content
My dog lying on her back and snoring her way through my video calls
Enjoying the first coffee of the day with my wife before the working day begins.
- Oliver Davies
When I walk into the bedroom (nearly) every day to deliver the first cup of hot coffee to my wife, who greets it with the enthusiasm of Christmas morning!
Settling into my couch on Saturday morning with a cup of coffee and the weekend Wall Street Journal, knowing I have an entire day ahead of me and no urgency to do anything in particular
Relaxing with a cold beverage on the deck of our cabin overlooking "Middle Pea Porridge Pond" as the sun sets over the mountains (photo attached)
Seeing my fellow Boston residents embracing outdoor dining as local restaurants creatively adapt to keep their businesses afloat until we can get back to the "old normal"
-Tony Ursillo
Having moved further out from the heart of the city, it’s been brilliant having a separate, dedicated room that’s NOT my living room to do work in. I think people call it a home office...
Mastering the art of cold brew coffee and tea using my French press. It’s so simple to make, brings out a richer flavor than hot brewing, and you can’t burn your tongue on it.
Putting together IKEA furniture (cabinets, in our case) with my wife. We’re renovating our kitchen, and getting to this point means we’re SO CLOSE to having a working kitchen again. We’re the weirdos who LOVE assembling things together, and growing our practice of partnership at the same time. Plus, there’s usually wine involved.
- Corey Loftus
Early morning meditations on my balcony when the city is quiet and there’s a breeze coming off of the water.
- Holly Grant
Yesterday my new neighbor, Emilie (age 6) knocked on my door and said, “Hi! I am your new neighbor. We’ll be great friends! I love this place!” and then she goes on to list all the cute things about our building that I have not thought about for a while - the nesting squirrels, the fat cat, the rose garden, the puppy twins on the first floor, the proximity to swans, the proximity to ice cream. Emilie reminded me of me and my thoughts of home and adventure at age 6, and I look forward to meeting her parents too because they instilled thought in her that the unknown (moving) is exciting rather than scary.
- Leonore Nielsen
When my 1yr old wakes up early in the weekend and my husband gets up immediately to get him out of bed and closes our bedroom door to let me sleep in.
When I go for an early morning run before work and listen to ABBA and come home dancing :-)
- Florine van Wulfften Palthe
The best anti pet peeve working from home is being able to take conference calls from our couch with my senior dog, Carlota, on my lap. She is a serious cuddler!
- Xaira Ferrara
Working outside on my patio table under an umbrella on a sunny day
The smell of the grass when freshly cut
The first sip out of my coffee mug in the quiet while everyone else is still asleep
Getting sucked into a really challenging puzzle
Jumping in the pool after great sweaty workout
- Melissa Norman
Having breakfast everyday with my dogs resting at/on my feet like slippers :)
-Amanda Posa
- Tony Ursillo