CFC BLOG #177: February Anti Pet Peeves Collection

The CFC Is looking forward to putting together a collection of anti-pet peeves (little things that trigger immense joy!) from members of the CFC community every couple months! Please always feel free to send me one if you'd ever like to contribute!

I usually wait to sit down and read these all at once because it feels like Christmas morning when I do - so much joy created at the same time due to many different people's small contributions. I hope you enjoy this wonderful list!


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CFC BLOG #163: Season’s Greetings and Anti Pet Peeving

Hello everyone! Around this time of year, I tend to reflect on the year behind me and the year ahead. And while it's inspiring to set intentions and resolutions for the new year, I think it's often just as important to bring myself back to the present moment and the little heartwarming occurrences that may often go unnoticed but can have a lasting joyful impact.

For anyone who isn't familiar, an anti pet peeve is the opposite of a pet peeve. So rather than zooming in on life's little annoyances/discomforts, anti pet peeves shed light on the tiny yet meaningful instances of pleasure and joy. Pip - Thanks for bringing this idea to life that helps to foster a more mindful, daily experience!

Below are the collections gathered for this month from a few different members in the CFC Community! We plan to create a list every other month with new contributors, so there is much more to come! Enjoy :)

- Amanda

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CFC BLOG #132: Anti Pet Peeve List - NY Style

After sending out the wonderfully extensive anti-pet peeve list a few weeks ago, my sister Christina kept texting me with more and more anti-pet peeves that she became conscious about. She did this for a few days. So I suggested she make a little list to share with everyone, keeping the spirit of anti-pet peeves alive this month! Side note: Christina's clear adoration for NYC makes me more and more excited to be back in that city in less than a month! :) 
- Amanda 

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Christina PosaComment
CFC BLOG #158: Gratitude Share Out

I love how the holidays are sort of like agreed-upon interruptions... They give a reason to take a break from day-to-day life - to try new recipes, to travel to be with family or friends, to put phones down... In doing so, these interruptions add perspective to otherwise routine schedules, helping me see what really matters in a new light. Below are some of the responses from different community members about what they are thankful for from this past year. And I'm very excited to share them!

- Amanda

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CFC BLOG #129: Anti Pet Peeving: Pleasant Surprises (Part 2)

So there were so many anti-pet peeves that I received from contributors in the community that I put them together into a second list! It is here below. For anybody else that I missed that would also like to share an anti-pet peeve, feel free to send it along to me ( I love putting these awesome lists together!

Quick reminder in case you're unsure/forgot: An anti pet peeve is the exact opposite of a pet peeve. So instead of focusing on the little annoyances, an anti pet peeve shifts focus to the small pleasures and surprises that bring us enormous joy. :)

- Amanda

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CFC BLOG #128: Anti Pet Peeving: Pleasant Surprises (Part 1)

Besides the holiday season, I personally think the next most joyful time of the year is the end of spring going into summer! It's like things start to heat up (obviously) but also coooool down at the same time. So to celebrate, similar to what was done for the holidays and new year, the Community for Change is sharing another list of anti pet peeves. This list was created, once again, with many different community members' contributions! Actually, there were so many contributors that I had to break it up into two separate lists, so Part 2 will go out very soon after this one! Hope you enjoy :)

Quick reminder in case you're unsure/forgot: An anti pet peeve is the exact opposite of a pet peeve. So instead of focusing on the little annoyances, an anti pet peeve shifts focus to the small pleasures and surprises that bring us enormous joy.


- Amanda

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CFC Blog #102: Season’s Greetings and Anti Pet Peeving

Hi all, and Happy New Year! We are resending the anti pet peeve list in case you missed it from a week ago. I wish you all joy, positivity, and meaningful change for 2019!

I just love the idea of anti-pet peeves that Pip has brought to life. An anti-pet peeve, very simply put, is the opposite of a pet peeve.. so rather than zooming in on the little annoyances in life that cause us frustration or discomfort, anti pet peeves help to shift focus to the tiny yet meaningful joys we experience. I think they truly aim to strengthen the muscle of joy finding too. And so, The Community for Change is excited to share with everybody these anti pet peeves listed out below that were collected from a wide variety of community members. What a wonderful way to celebrate these delightful triumphs at this wondrous time of year. Happy Holidays everyone :)

- Amanda

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