Posts tagged Joe Bruzzese
#403: SPOTLIGHT: Joe Bruzzese

Question for Joe:


There is an idea that we can learn from every single person on the planet.  But there are also deeply ingrained habits we have been trained in that “teachers” have a formal designation which might limit our scope for learning.  With that thought, does someone come to mind in the past five weeks that you wouldn’t consider a “formal” teacher at all but who you learned something special from… (perhaps even someone you aren’t even fond of) ?

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#234: "How Are You?"

Some years ago a friend of mine from Denmark (then a recent arrival in the US) asked me, "Why do people ask, how are you, when they don't really want to know?" Ah ha! There was something I had been clearly missing in my day to day transaction. "Hello, how are you?" has become for many people, part of the standard greeting and is usually met with, "Good, fine, ok". Try answering the question with, "Exceptional, outstanding, excellent" and see what type of response you get? Back to my Danish friend. She went on to explain that most people in Denmark would never ask, "How are you?" because they don't want to know how you are doing, and if they did ask, they would wait and listen to the whole story behind why you felt a certain way. Insightful. 

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