Back in grade school, I enjoyed learning and getting creative with the element of symbolism. I liked when my English teacher asked us to think more deeply about what was revealed in the actions of characters inside our books, or in their names, or in the colors in story settings. I now find myself often seeking the deeper, sometimes hidden meaning of things beyond books and inside my everyday life. I see the stars above representing peace and wonder, a tree bark tangled in vines illustrating resilience, a freshly-filled morning coffee mug embodying warmth, richness, and possibility for the day ahead.
Maybe I try to believe there may be an added element of beauty or magic in certain things even if it’s not immediately apparent. It may just take looking a bit closer at the way simple occurrences or even mundane objects present themselves. Because at times, a new revelation could bloom from them.
So this week’s symbol that portrayed itself was found in my plant (fun fact: it was a gift from Pip). When I received it in the mail, it was just a little seedling. But now after three years, lots of Florida sunshine, and a very long road trip, it has settled here in New York with me.
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