#321: Gratitude Anti Pet Peeves Round #2
Here is round #2 of gratitude anti pet peeves! I love gathering all these responses and photos. I was only anticipating doing two anti pet peeve blogs this November, but I received so many that it looks like there will be one more final round coming after this one. Have a great day everyone!
- Amanda
Gratitude Anti Pet Peeves from the Community
My anti pet-peeve would be how grateful I am for the beauty/weather here at St Simons in the month of November. The weather here is perfect this time of year (highs in the 70s w/ low humidity and lows in the mid-upper 50s) where you need a light pullover at most and the “freshness” of the air is tangible. We also have very high tides in the month of November making the drive across the causeway more scenic than at any other time of the year. Just a great month to live here.
- Mo Pickens
I don't worry in the morning when my 3 and 5 year-old unlock the back door and go outside because they simply want to go on the porch to appreciate the sunrise and the birds and seeing this brings me joy. (photo attached)
- Jack Elkins
I think eggnog is pretty gross, but my partner LOVES it and always gets excited when it hits the grocery store shelves this time of year and buys a ton. Seeing him so happy just makes me happy! But he knows I will never try it, haha.
- Lauren Culbertson
When I see a text with a picture or quick reminder from my friend of 60+ years of something fun we did when we were kids. I laugh out loud at the memory of the escapade, creative experiment, or “first ever” invention. I am thankful to have had a friendship that spans so many phases of life and to have these little reminders that bring such delightful memories into my day.
- Dorie Blesoff
I'm grateful for our new home where we are enveloped in the beauty and uniqueness of the daily sunset. (photos attached)
- MJ Kaplan
I’m thankful for plates with dividers on Thanksgiving. I love all Thanksgiving foods, even the highly debated cranberry sauce! But I don’t love when the foods mix together! Seeing a plate with dividers is a small victory on a big eating day!
- Steph Wissink
My anti pet peeve thanksgiving style is the ending of daylight savings this time of year. Not so much because it gets darker earlier, but I really like the first couple of days when you are still getting used to it and you wake up when the sun is shining (whereas close to that moment it is already dark that early in the morning). During those initial couple of weeks I am really grateful for waking up early and getting energized by the sun ;-)
- Jorgen van der Sloot
I'm grateful for Teddy (age 6) and Gigi (age 4) still wanting to do a morning "family cuddle" all together from time to time. They sometimes already seem so grown-up, and it's a sweet reminder that they're still kids. (plus, it's generally the time of year with the right weather for it )
- Corey Loftus
- MJ Kaplan
- Jack Elkins