#320: Gratitude Anti Pet Peeves Round #1
I was thinking the theme for CFC blogs for November could be gratitude! So we are planning to send out CFC writing each Tuesday that all relate to expressing gratitude. Last week, I asked a handful of community members if they would share something small that they are really grateful for or that brings them joy - a grateful anti pet peeve! I have compiled some of the responses below. There will be more to come next week! So if you sent one to me and you don't see it below, it will likely be sent next Tuesday in Round 2 ! And if anyone else would like to share one, please feel free to email it to me :) It's one of my favorite things to pop up in my inbox! Happy Tuesday everyone!
- Amanda
Gratitude Anti Pet Peeves from the Community
I am grateful for old friends who just pick up the phone and call with no expectation of anyone picking up or not. It's great to do the same, too. And, the best part is when you both have a moment to talk for even a few moments. It always makes me feel rejuvenated and loved.
- Regina Anderson
I was recently at a gathering with neighbors, and they had a fire pit. I was grateful for the power of that shared fire to center our gaze. None of us were focusing on each other’s faces, or screens or anything visual, really, other than the flames and embers. Everything came through hearing each other’s voices and then thinking through it together. It felt slower than most other communications, somehow, even though we were all talking at a normal rate. And I felt we focused more deeply on the topic by allowing our eyes to remain fixed on the fire.
- Tim Vogt
I’m grateful for the smell of rain on a weekend day. In Southern California rain is one of those things that happens so infrequently that it’s an “event”. But one of the tell tale signs of Fall/Winter in Southern California is that it actually rains. And the smell of rain on a weekend day can literally lift my mood for the week.
- Robert Rose
Grandkids. When the two year old spontaneously breaks out into a song; when the five year old spontaneously decides to tease me; when the eight year old spontaneously gives me a hug.
- Rudy Karsan
One of my anti pet peeves is collecting “leaf bouquets” when I’m out walking my grand-dog this time of year. Today was a great collection day and I literally giggled with delight as I spotted them and collected them together. I am very grateful for the trees for showing us how to change gracefully and determinedly. Samples here. (photo attached)
- Dorie Blesoff
I'm thankful for waking up to mornings when I can see the sun rise and paint the clouds with a collection of reds and pink hues, signaling the start of another incredible day.
- Joe Bruzzese
I am grateful that it is the time of year when I can make homemade applesauce again. The house always smells sooooo good! (And actually it is very very simple to do—good bang for the buck!!).
If the technology existed, I would send you an “image” of the aroma!
- Kelly Coburn
I'm grateful for how grateful my dog always is when he gets to be off leash. We've been walking through the state parks every day recently, as it is extra beautiful this time of year with the colorful foliage, and I caught some pics of him literally smiling the other day after a good run. (photo attached)
- Amanda Posa
- Dorie Blesoff
- Amanda Posa