#322: Gratitude Anti Pet Peeves Round #3
Here is the third round of anti pet peeves! The list below happens to include all 3 of my sisters' contributions, as well as a fun one from Pip's daughter, Bailey, which she shared while helping me dogsit this week :) Wishing you all a wonderful holiday ahead!
- Amanda
Gratitude Anti Pet Peeves from the Community
I am grateful for my father-in-law and the opportunity to spend a weekend with him in NH to celebrate his 80th birthday. The love he shows my wife, Cherie, her three sisters, each of the sons-in-law, and all of our children is both simple and profound. He is the epitome of a good man who would literally give you the shirt off his back if someone needed it. (photo attached)
- Bill Cummings
Moments ago I was seconds away from capturing 3 baby bambies on my way to the grocery store, but missed the photo opt. as I called my mom to show her and then they were gone. Another fall favorite is lighting the fireplace and watching my guilty pleasure TV "Farmer seeks a wife, Swedish version with my besties. It's like The Bachelor, only it takes place at each farmer's actual farm and there are lots of cute animals everywhere. This year there is also a reindeer farmer. It's impossible not to feel in a really good mood after watching each episode.
Also big knitted sweaters, the smell of cinnabons and sleeping so well since it´s basically dark "all" the time.
- Leonore Nielsen
I am grateful for so many things - uncountable. Most importantly the ability to connect with wonderful people like you and from all walks of life. I am truly blessed. (photo attached)
- Muayyad Al-Chalabi
Early morning snuggles with Gigi. When she wakes up, comes into our room and just quietly gets in bed with us and snuggles with me for like 10 min.
- Danielle Posa
Landscapes and how they seem to instantly provide a deep breath and broadening of perspective.
- Jaime Posa
I'm grateful for opportunities to pause for food. To put everything else aside - my phone, my laptop, my worries - and focus for just a few minutes on what I'm eating. I notice that food tastes better when I savor the experience of it - the ingredients, how they work together, the texture, the smell, the health (and/or emotional) benefits. I have often experienced the opposite - the rushed meals or multi-tasked meals or in front of the TV meals - and the contrast makes me even more grateful for the opportunities I do get, and take, to pause. (photo attached)
- Christina Posa
Having Daisy over and giving her dog treats.
- Bailey Coburn
I am thankful for the crumbs under my table, which remind me of a special family meal together.
- Diana Magana
Rice bowls with Pip at New York Beer Project.
- Melissa Norman
- Bill Cummings - Muayyad Al Chalabi - Christina Posa