CFC Blog #72: My Daughter the Braniac

One of my favorite things about working with children, out of the innumerable reasons, is that they naturally bring to life many of the simple notions and life lessons that I tend to overlook with age. And it's incredibly refreshing in my opinion. I love the simplicity yet deep symbolism in this piece, Sasha. Thank you :)

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #62: I Know That I Am...

I think meditation is awesome and holistic and life-altering for many reasons, but one of the top reasons in my opinion is that it can help me feel more peacefully present and content with my surroundings. I believe it can very naturally allow for deeper understanding and patience in me as well. My sister Jaime once said, "When I notice myself getting annoyed easily or irritable with people or the circumstances around me, I realize I need to take better care of myself." And I think that that's true, and that meditation and deep breathing and simply being present can serve as that better care.. Thank you, Sasha!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #53: Spring

I am currently in the midst of the best part of the exam week! On my walk to my exam today, I left my headphones at home. Somehow, I think just taking in all the little sounds around me provided more a sense of peace than my "de-stress" Spotify playlist ever would have :) Thanks for the gentle reminder, Sasha!

- Amanda

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Sasha DichterComment
CFC Blog #39: Shoveling

Awesome, Sasha. I think one of the hardest things about shoveling is prepping, putting on all appropriate jackets, gloves, boots... and just getting up and getting ready to face the cold. And while reading your blog I felt the chills of winter even here in Florida. But one thing that I think makes the brutal cold a little more bearable, is the warmth that comes with working with loved ones to get a tough job done.

- Amanda

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Sasha DichterComment
CFC Blog #37: Project Ski

Sasha, one thing that really hit home for me on this one was your reference to being a tiny dot amongst miles and miles of vastness. My absolute favorite form of relaxation is sitting under the stars at night. It reminds me how there's so much out there to see and experience, so many wonders to explore, so much left up to interpretation, and then... how meager my worries should be when I'm only a single speck in an unbounded universe.

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #32: Blank Spaces

In my teaching program at UF we have a list of 7 norms for cultivating a professional community of teachers and learners. All of my professors refer to this list frequently. Sasha, ironically, the #2 norm is "Assume good intent on the part of others." Thank you for sharing a wonderful message..

- Amanda

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Sasha DichterComment
CFC Blog #29: Some days

This is a piece written by Sasha about a year ago. I read it months ago, but was reminded of its important message this week when I decided last minute to cook dinner for my boyfriend. It was a pretty simple meal consisting of boiling some water for pasta, cracking open a jar of sauce, and throwing in some veggies. The most difficult part of the meal prep was getting that sauce jar open. I honestly felt bad about its simplicity. It didn't take until his third compliment for me to realize his great appreciation. Next time, I aim to fully recognize the positivity and encouragement the first time...then pass it on :) Thanks Sasha!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #23: No wonder(ing)

It is very ironic that approximately three seconds before reading this blog from Sasha I typed into Google, "Benefits of donating blood." (I just returned from donating a half hour ago). And sure enough, my "wondering" was resolved by one click and a quick movement of my mouse and a few scrolls. As easy and convenient as this research finding was, I know there is much beauty that lies in the unknown, and that there is much importance in digging deep into it to come up with solutions to our biggest challenges in the world...and to actually do so. Thank you Sasha for a great reminder!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #15: Crazy Idea List

The following piece from Sasha moved me for two reasons:

1. I put far too much emphasis on checking tasks off my To Do List. The list makes me rather anxious...perhaps a little crazy. And by a little, I mean extremely.

2. I think, and then overthink, then overthink some more, and occasionally I notice that the little outlandish notions and ideas that bounce around in my head all day hold some meaning and value! Therefore, after reading this piece I have a greater desire to dissect the seemingly small thoughts and clear a space for them to grow to see what they could be worth.

- Amanda

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Sasha DichterComment
CFC Blog #07: Baby Steps

(PIP NOTE: Sasha I have now known Sasha for 10+ years. I am very fortunate in that. AND he is part of one of my favorite favorite organizations on the planet… Acumen. AND he also writes a blog maybe 3-4 times each week that I strongly suspect you would LOVE! …pip)

(PIP NOTE:Feedback we are going to intentionally ring-fence the community for now and among other reasons is that maybe we can experience being part of something that has a way of being and is not “just” a massive list that might go to anyone. I suspect as I add people to the communciation flow I may make a point to introduce them to all of you… FEEDBACK — for writers it is SO WONDERFUL to think “Is there anybody out there?” and to THEN learn the answer is “yes :)”… You can send feedback to Amanda, Mel or me or to the writer via the email link above their bio… also just intro yourself to a writer if you don’t yet know them I suspect there will be loads of cross connects ahead.)

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Sasha DichterComment
CFC Blog #02: New Tricks

(PIP:    This is our second BETA for the Writers Circle blog — another 60-second thought to follow Jorgen’s note from Wednesday.  We have much more work ahead with each of us in beta but hopefully along the way you consider these writings as big a contribution to the community we are widely creating as I do.  I could read Sasha’s writing all day… the same applies for Brinton and Brynne and Lauren and Jaime and on and on…  I love the people who have willingly jumped in to create this back beat to a community of sorts…)

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Sasha DichterComment
CFC INSIGHTS: The Third Plate and the Future of Impact Investing

Our food system is broken. While we have solved the problem of how to produce lots of calories for a low direct cost, this same food system has resulted in an obesity epidemic; it is why nearly 10% of the U.S. population has Type 2 diabetes; and, most recently, it likely is playing a role in the huge spike in colon cancer for people in their 30s and 40s.

What do we do about it?

I recently read Dan Barber’s The Third Plate. Dan is a famous chef, the co-owner of the acclaimed restaurants Blue Hill and Blue Hill at Stone Barns. The book’s title is Dan’s answer to the question, “what will the typical American dinner plate look like in 35 years?”

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