CFC Blog #07: Baby Steps
(PIP NOTE: Sasha I have now known Sasha for 10+ years. I am very fortunate in that. AND he is part of one of my favorite favorite organizations on the planet… Acumen. AND he also writes a blog maybe 3-4 times each week that I strongly suspect you would LOVE! …pip)
(PIP NOTE:Feedback we are going to intentionally ring-fence the community for now and among other reasons is that maybe we can experience being part of something that has a way of being and is not “just” a massive list that might go to anyone. I suspect as I add people to the communciation flow I may make a point to introduce them to all of you… FEEDBACK — for writers it is SO WONDERFUL to think “Is there anybody out there?” and to THEN learn the answer is “yes :)”… You can send feedback to Amanda, Mel or me or to the writer via the email link above their bio… also just intro yourself to a writer if you don’t yet know them I suspect there will be loads of cross connects ahead.)
(From Amanda)
I chose this piece from Sasha because it emphasizes the importance of having patience with my environment, with others, and most importantly, with myself and the goals I aim to accomplish. Change and mastery often takes essential time, deep thought, reflection, and considerable planning. For me, it helps to focus on the little steps of the process and find joy in all the seemingly miniature components that are conquered along the way, as these are all vital rungs of the ladder I must step upon to get to the very top. Thanks Sasha!
(From Sasha Dichter)
Baby Steps
We’re sometimes confounded by the big changes we want to make.
We get a glimpse of the person we hope to become, or a new behavior we hope to engage in, and nearly immediately find ourselves frustrated that we’ve not suddenly mastered that new set of actions. This isn’t how we change.
Real, honest, deep change starts small and builds, with steps like:
I will observe my reactions.
I will understand what triggers me.
I will watch the group.
I will experiment with new ways to respond.
I will be more observant about how people react to the things I do, and about how I react to the things they do.
Step by small step is the only way we get to bigger things like “I will stay grounded in stressful situations,” or “I will be more effective at confronting aggressive people.”
We owe ourselves the space to start small, figure out the component parts of the change we want to make, and then be deliberate and persistent. Our job is to go easy on ourselves along the way, while also not letting ourselves off the hook of continued progress.
Looking backwards the changes will look like leaps, but often they’re the accumulation of lots and lots of baby steps.