#391: SPOTLIGHT: Tristan Bruzzese

#391: Tristan Bruzzese 

June 11, 2024

A Backbeat of Community

Question for Tristan: 

The Serenity Prayer offers:      “Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference…”.   With this thought, does something come to mind that you couldn’t change but had (or are having) trouble accepting ? 

Tristan's Response:  

A recent moment in my life came to mind when writing this piece in regards to the prompt particularly how it caused a shift in myself. Almost like for the first time in my life I needed to put myself in "Neutral" instead of "Drive". To be scientific and precise, when a car is in neutral it is disengaged from the wheels, meaning the car won’t move forward or backward even if you press the accelerator. However, the engine continues to run. But I digress and will get back to that eventually. In this awakening moment I had to have courage in changing a part of myself to be an overall better person to others and to myself. The challenge came/still is in my brain that I want to share this epiphany to both friends and past partners but I think there is beauty in knowing that I can’t change my past actions and a lot of the times I can't be re-seen by others I hurt (this didn’t stop me from reaching out to old friends and have actually had opportunities in person). In lieu of an astonishing life moment it became clear to me that there were parts of myself I wanted to change and I needed to be courageous changing them. If I sit neutral with my thoughts and experiences, only then will I unconsciously put myself into drive (in a metaphorical meaning) and gain the wisdom for myself to relish with others. If I choose to jump the gun and drive, I think I will miss out on both wisdom and self-improving moments along the way. A big thank you to Amanda for convincing me to write a spotlight. I am so fortunate I could share a spotlight of my life with each of you. Wanderers is rad. 

Amanda’s thought… 

I suspect Tristan would love all direct responses from you.  I find it incredibly encouraging when I hear from any of you after I share my thoughts. It is powerful for me. I assume many others have a similar experience. So here is Tristan's email… pip  


Tristan, thank you for sharing this epiphany of yours as I love the Drive vs Neutral metaphor in regards to self-awareness and reflection time.  This is an analogy I too will use. Also, I'm not sure you need to thank me as I didn't do much convincing... this thoughtful response of yours seemed to pop into my inbox pretty much right after I reached out! So thank YOU for jumping in and sharing such a deeply introspective note, AND for this awesome photo. 

- AP