#301: Spring-Themed Anti Pet Peeves
As many probably already know, I Iove to reach out to a few community members at the start of every season and ask if they would like to contribute an anti pet peeve about it - something small that brings them joy during that particular time of year. So the spring responses are compiled below, and they are all wonderfully different. I also discovered that Reed loves the anti pet peeve ask so much that he was compelled to write an entire little list, as you'll also see at the bottom!
Happy Spring everyone!
- Amanda
Spring Themed Anti Pet Peeves
Seeing the little ducklings on my local walk along Regents Canal (by the Park in West London) and seeing how the mother protects her babies. Apart from the obvious cuteness, it makes me reflect upon the kindness of my mother, the vulnerability we have when we come into the world and the people that I want to nurture and protect.
- Ryan Hargreaves
When I can look out my bedroom window and see the tree across the street blooming from bed.
- Beck Sullivan
The start of the spring brings me back to growing up in India. As a child, in my mind, shoes were for decoration and occasions. After moving to the states, they became a necessity and a constant weight due to the cold winters. With spring comes the ability to step out of my shoes and walk barefoot on the fresh grass and around the house. Life is always about simple pleasures and there is nothing simpler than this feeling of playful childhood.
- Neeru Garg
The innate desire to renew. To spring clean. Make space in my closet. Rise with the sun and run in the morning. The change of seasons always brings me appreciation for how intrinsically tied my body/being is with the patterns of the Earth. (photos attached)
- Christina Posa
Spring means birthday months for my 2 kids and my anti pet peeve is when they eat sprinkles cupcakes in the car and there are no sprinkles left on the seat for me to clean up after they exit!
- Steph Wissink
When I grab a book in the late afternoon and make my way out to the porch without a jacket, and the sun's position is perfect, falling just on my legs like a blanket. Also, since the sun sets later and later in spring, my soccer team not only plays on Sunday mornings, but we start playing on Tuesday and Wednesday nights after work. It is such a great activity to look forward to after a long day, especially since I play with a great group of people and it's outdoors. And we play til sunset!
- Amanda Posa
Noticing how sunrise shifts a few degrees to the east and sunset a few degrees to the west in different locations I am in morning and evening.
The first day I left for work without a jacket.
Wearing a jacket so light it at first looks useless.
Little tiny leaves.
My phone telling me that today it’s 47 going to 59 and partly cloudy.
My wife’s joy looking out the window at what’s just been planted.
A memory of 2020 “COVID spring” mornings, when I actually saw spring unfold (maybe for the first time) day by day by day looking out from the same window, watching the grasses, leaves, and budding.
- Reed Lowenstein
- Christina Posa, Springtime in New York City