#195: Earth Day-Themed Anti-Pet Peeve Collections - Part 1
Happy Earth Day everyone! Today's my favorite holiday for countless reasons. Actually, many are listed below! I hope you enjoy reading these earthy anti pet peeves, or little things in nature that bring great joy, shared by different community members. And don't forget to take some time to breathe in the extra fresh air today!
P.S. Look out for Part 2 with more nature anti pet peeves - coming this afternoon!
- Amanda
Earth Day-Themed Anti Pet Peeves
People who take the time to gather scraps to compost. And the existence of community gardens in NYC. - Sandra Diaz
Sunrise, particularly the 20 minutes or so before the sun breaks the horizon when we get views like this (picture attached). - Barry Haimes
I have been struck by images of wildlife occupying spaces now emptied of humans: Kashmiri goats climbing the hedges of a Welsh town, penguins exploring the corridors of the Shedd Aquarium. Fauna and fowl have likewise become more abundant near my apartment in London. Wood pigeons congregate on the roof of the day nursery, a fox takes laps after nightfall, and mallards fly low down the street each morning. All this serves as a gentle reminder that we might yet be guests in the strange territory of others. - David Kim
One of the biggest benefits of WFH and hunkering at home is No travel. Huge cut on gasoline emissions and expenses given that I was driving around 600 miles per week. Commuting and travel time is spent on more productive stuff. - Muayyad Al-Chalabi
The starry sky at night when lights from the city are rare and you even see the Milkyway. - Maria Souza
Honestly my time in nature right now is the very best part of every day that I'm able to make it happen. My fiance and I have been going for daily walks after what's usually a crazy bunch of hours and whether it's on our local greenway, or truly hiking in the woods, it brings me so much peace and joy. Being in nature fills my soul and the seeking out of nature is something that I have found to be healing during difficult times in my life. Nature, and being with it, may be one of the most powerful anti pet peeves for me as it is truly an outsized positive impact on what's sometimes such a simple act. - Richard Uniacke
My anti pet peeve is my new "commute" down a private path in the woods to my "office". One positive that will come out of this time is a heightened interaction with nature! (picture attached) - Angie Dalton
The smell of sunshine on my skin (Not sweat! The sun really leaves a distinct smell! I think...). Or seeing an entire duck family waddle by, or watching the vegan movement grow! - Amanda Posa
What came to mind was what I’ll call the corona nod—a phenomena I’ve noticed during the few times we’ve left the house, seeing neighbors on their stoops, and because we’re both wearing masks and can’t recognize our smiles, we nod (from a distance)....How is this connected to earth day? I live in NYC and love it here because, for me, the people are the mountains. I think one of the gravest threats to our planet is believing we are separate from it. The adage, we are not on this earth, we are of this earth, rings so true to me in these trying times. And how do we each practice holding all of it with love? That’s a question worth living into :) - Kurt Peloquin
Walking on the sidewalks of NYC and seeing a blade of grass sprouting out from between the cracks in the sidewalk...I always smile at and am humbled by the fierce desire for life at the heart of nature. Cement, thousands of people walking and stamping down and yet here is this blade of grass pushing upwards. - Irwin Kula
When I see people hanging their clothes outside on a line instead of using the dryer - Alison Posa
When I have the chance to lay down with a blanket under a tree, and I can watch the tree's swaying branches for a minute; the sound of the leaves rustling and watching the clouds graze past helps me remember how lucky I am to be a small being on this planet that can witness moments that are greater and outside myself. - Jayme Markus
The smell of fresh loam. - Nooruddin (Rudy) Karsan
I love nature walks with my sons because it brings out curiosity - I love when my sons are so interested in what we will find on our nature walks and my presence is also heightened because I want to help them discover. It's so opposite of the worried state we can get caught in (picture attached) - Jack Elkins