#281: Autumn themed anti pet peeves ROUND 2
Happy Friday! Here is our second round of autumn-themed anti pet peeves to kick off the first week of November. I love how specific each of these are. Round 3 to come after this one :) Wishing you all a joyous weekend!
Autumn-Themed Anti Pet Peeves - Round 2
Making Christmas plans with extended family brings me great joy, and I only start after the air turns cool and crisp. Of course, these plans are exceedingly complex now that there are multiple jobs, children, dietary restrictions, and in-laws to account for, but it's all part of the fun.
- Fay Sardjono
Our cat always prefers to spend the evening on my side of the bed, until I get into bed myself. While it drives me nuts during the summer months, his presence in the winter means that I get into bed with one area nicely heated.
- Ryan Oakes
I love when I spot that one plant which is Autumn ahead of all the others, a solitary red or yellow bush in the midst of the green - I usually forget that plants change colours in the temperate region, and these early warning signals awake me to the explosion of colours we are about to see. (Photo attached)
- Maria Souza
The first smell of fall created when trees begin to shed their leaves, leaving them to decompose in the soil.
- Mike Brady
Staring at the nighttime sky early in the morning to find the Orion constellation peering down from above. It's reassuring to see this reminder that fall is here as it has been in years past.
- Joe Bruzzese
I LOVE using the new leaf blower I got (battery powered!), but I think it’s even more fun watching the joy my kids get out of using it. It’s delightful to see the sheer joy they feel in directing an intense force like that. But I think it’s second to the fun of blowing leaves at me, Francesca, and each other.
- Corey Loftus
I like how the sounds change outside in Autumn. The way the branches sway, the leaves crinkle, the whistle of the wind - everything has a new sound in autumn and it seems to speak to me.
- Jaime Posa
- Maria Souza