There is such a powerful message shared in Sasha's words below, and it is shared through one of his routine activities, which I love. I too do a dog walk every afternoon and I use it not only to break up my work day and get some exercise, but also to gauge my mindfulness. What I mean - some days I notice I am sluggish and move slowly, other days I feel more stressed and am tugging on their leashes to keep moving so I can get onto the next thing on the agenda... but most days I use the 30 minute walk to focus on simply being conscious and present. This looks like taking a moment to pause and look up at the cloud formations, or taking a few deep breaths as my dogs stop at a hydrant, or sometimes I take a few minutes to have a short conversation with another fellow dog walker. There is definitely something beautiful in discovering new little gems in even the same routines I do each day, and in doing so, it inspires me to be more present, attentive, and even grateful in other areas of my life too. Thank you, Sasha.
- Amanda
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