CFC Blog #248: For everyone out there

I dig the thought: in times of changing tides

One word of thanks can make the spirits rise.

Sometimes I’ve missed the chance to say it plain,

So thank YOU, Sasha, sharing once again.

- Corey

For everyone out there

Who still is finding something to say.

A kind word for a colleague, a friend, or for themselves.

For everyone who still manages to find little, fun ways to support someone else.

Maybe just a little something: a virtual smile or a hug.

Making a plan to meet from across the street.

Quietly dropping off a bit of homemade food.

Or remembering to say thank you.

For everyone finding the energy, at the end of a long day, to help a kid with their homework, or to be present for playtime or bathtime or a bedtime story.

For everyone showing up at work every day despite the risks, even though it’s not appreciated as much as it should be.

And for everyone out there who is keeping on keeping on through these hard, hard times.

I tip my hat to you.

Sasha DichterComment