CFC Blog #97: No More "Stories"
Reading through Pip's note made me really stop and think what stories I am believing at face value when I may not be getting the whole truth. I'm reminded of that New Yorker cartoon of Times Square where all of the advertisements have been edited to say what they are actually saying ("you're hungry," "you're ugly," etc.). Especially with the increase of consumerism around the holidays, this is such an important message, as well as reminder to be more truthful with the stories that I myself am telling and the power of being vulnerable. Thanks, Pip!
- Lauren
“…and when you do that – leave out all the parts that are not acceptable – then it eats away at you underneath…”
About 10-12 years ago, my friend Om Malik said that “media” was the business of attracting attention.
I suspect there may be more human talent being applied to getting the attention of other humans than any other professional activity.
And these are real real real pros involved. These folks are GREAT at “storytelling”! (in quotes “storytelling”)
They are GREAT at reducing the complexity of an amazing world into an eye-catching, fully fully fully fully engaging “story”.
AND HOLY SMOKES…“ stories” are so so so so powerful indeed.
Humans love “stories”.
One GREAT “story” and we might well do what others precisely want us to do.
The common wisdom of the day is that us, regular business people should tell “stories” so we too get people’s attention.
I understand WHY we are being told to tell “stories”. It can work!
But I dislike “storytelling”.
Let me back up.
I love stories.
I dislike “storytelling”. The “in quotes” kind.
I observe “stories” can be VERY VERY dangerous in the real world.
Often times the PURPOSE of “stories” is to have people feel the way I want them to feel or to do what I want them to do… to buy this or vote like this or to agree with this or to hate these people or those people or have these values/”morals”…
In business, often times it's to “buy this”…because it helps…“ME”…
In that process of attention-seeking “storytelling”, it could be so so so tempting to leave certain parts out.
I don’t trust businesses which are occupied with “telling their story”because I have a thought that 9 times out of 10 they might edit the part that they think will reduce the odds of me doing what they want me to do.
At the same time…
I love love love hearing friends’ stories.
These are the non-fabricated, not in quotes stories and storytelling!
I LOVE hearing stories about how couples met and started courting.
I love hearing stories about the amazing things kids are doing and how it lights up parents with joy.
I am most alive when I am sharing life with others and that happens perhaps the most when friends (or strangers) trust me to share the stories of their lives which don’t put them in a good light.
They trust that my friendship runs deeper. They don’t have to reduce themselves to look good for me.
They are just sharing life.