CFC Blog #271: It Matters

Jaime’s thoughts below remind me of a practice I started at my company that I now employ in my personal life, too — I start nearly every meeting with three 7-second breaths. Breathe in for 7, breathe out for 7. Repeat x2. (Sometimes just for myself if it’s someone I feel wouldn’t dig it, but many people do!) I like to think it allows time for people’s bodies to catch up with their minds. And also for each person to have time for themSelf, to reconnect with their source, to be fully present for the conversation to come. As Jaime says, it’s often the first breath that’s the hardest…

- Corey

It Matters

Here’s what hit me big lately.

Time for your Self matters. I separate “your Self” like that on purpose. Because it reminds me to think of Me. . .my true self. . . that version of me that feels strong and light and grounded and purposeful and powerful and. . . honestly, sometimes. . . just capable.

Because parenting, motherhood, and the early days post-birth with little ones has shaken me. There are days where I honestly feel like I just pretty much stink at everything.

And I tell myself over and over that I don’t have time to do yoga or meditate or journal, because there’s just so much to do. I really haven’t done much self-care at all these last few months. But a few things have gotten me back into it. Even if it’s sometimes just seven seconds. Seven seconds to step away and look out the window and breath and create some space for myself. I’m trying to stop telling myself that it doesn’t matter if I get to do those things. Because, it does. And the seven seconds I took yesterday, grew into twenty minutes today. Because once I get there, I realize how bad I need it. But getting there, taking that literal first step, is the hardest part.

It doesn’t make me a better Mom, friend, partner or person to sacrifice my Me-time . . . which ultimately translates into my mental health. It makes me a better Mom when I take time and space for my practices.

And, I’m pretty sure this applies to people who are not Moms, too.

It’s funny how many times I forget. . . and then come back to this realization.

I fall out of my healthy habits every now and then, because I guess I wouldn’t be human if I didn’t. I’ve learned that that’s just how it goes. Sometimes, life hits you with things and it crumbles you. I have to return to the mud to remember what matters and to discover what’s really worth cultivating again in my life. So, when I return, something new comes with me. I like to think this is how we evolve collectively as a species.

It feels good to be back for now. And by “for now” I mean today. Because I’m not putting any pressure or expectations on myself. But I’m writing about it publicly in hopes that it will remind me just how much it matters.

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