CFC Blog #263: Absorbing the Good
One thing that has really helped me since the start of quarantine is practicing gratitude. And I've noticed: When I am on a good streak of taking five minutes before bed to write about all the things I am grateful for from that day, I feel happier waking up and moving through each subsequent day during those weeks. Sometimes I fall out of that practice or forget to do it, and I notice I tend to feel more tangled in negative emotions and spiral from one to the next. But Jaime's blogreminds me of the value of intentionally pausing and soaking up those little bursts of positivity and joy. And in doing so, I know the brain can be wired to naturally think happier and more encouraging thoughts, a concept I wrote about as well in another piece, "Joy in the Gutters." I am always interested in exploring and hearing more about the power of positive psychology, and what it's done for others.
I hope you enjoy Jaime's sweet share!
- Amanda
Absorbing the Good
Yesterday was the first full day momming two that I felt went entirely smooth. It might have been the first time since Emma was born that I went to sleep without any guilt about the day. Since both had long naps at separate times, I got big chunks of one-on-one time with each and it felt so nice to connect with them uninterrupted. Ellie and I did yoga together for the first time in a really long time. We created a new art corner and used old cardboard to color and paint while listening to her favorite Bob Marley songs. Then she helped me make muffins and managed to steal “a couple” (a lot) of chocolate chips and I managed to not freak out about it. Emma and I got to stare at each other for a while and smile. We snuggled and relaxed - which felt so good to just enjoy without guilt. And my husband and I got to have a quiet lunch together!
Celebrating this day and letting the feelings sink in because, well, I need to absorb that goodness. I’m working towards expecting and accepting that some moments are just going to be messy and I don’t have to judge my children or myself for that and I don’t have to get so attached to the emotions involved in that. I’m also working on accepting that sometimes I will fail at said goal and that’s ok too. I’m also working on making a plan for the day ahead to make sure I have things I look forward to so that we’re not just always doing the things that need doing and “getting by”. As I’m nursing and rocking the munchkins, I’ve been making a running list in my mind every time of at least 11 things I’m grateful for in the day so far ~ and that’s really helped me take note of what otherwise might go unnoticed.