Posts tagged Steve Crandall
#329: A Delightful Word

Mr Gross was my high school German teacher.   He was big on learning language through song and would regularly point out a German word or phrase that might be more appropriate than American English. I wasn't a good student of the language, but he made an impact on me.  I still remember and use some of his offerings.  Today I saw one of my favorites used in the New York Times - the first time I've seen it used in America.  

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#324: Sally

Thinking about my walking companion Sally...  

Sally happens to be a turkey vulture and perhaps a bit of explanation is in order.  Our place borders a large heavily wooded area that’s home to enough wildlife to attract birds of prey.  Crows are most common, but there are hawks, vultures, and the occasional eagle.  I love watching hawks and vultures work the sky, but didn’t expect to get to know one. 

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#176: Tithing Time

A long time ago (1996) my incredible coach of 20 years Ken Davidson said: “Do you think I have a thought of what you should do in this situation?  I truly don’t.. I have enough trouble figuring out my own life to spend any time thinking about what others should do with theirs.”     And I stopped my own habit of contemplating what others should do with their lives that day as well.  Why do I mention this “anti-advising” idea?  It is one of the core core design principles of the Community For Change and all the writing in this series that Amanda brings to life for us.   I am anti-advising.   I think there is so much relief from self-consciousness when we feel we are truly in a space of zero fear of judgment and spaces filled with advisement (solicited or unsolicited) I sense can so often cut off genius and learning and community way too instantly.   Perhaps I will write on this topic in the future more widely just to share the weird thinking I have migrated toward on the “advising” topic.

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