Posts tagged Bill Cummings
#394: SPOTLIGHT: Bill Cummings

Question for Bill: 

Does one person first come to mind:        In your very very first “adult” job -- when you were perhaps first out of college or over the age of 21 let’s say – is there someone that pops to mind who brings a smile to your face not because of anything in your specific relationship but just because of who they were or how they moved through the world?

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#231: Embracing the Full Spectrum of the Human Experience

In what seems like another life, I used to be a pastor.

Even though I have a very different perspective on life and spirituality than I did in those days, from my early twenties until my mid-thirties I had the privilege of walking alongside people through some of the best and worst days of their lives.  

On one particular Saturday in the summer of 1998, I officiated a wedding and a funeral on the same day. 

In the late morning, I joined with the family members and friends of a young couple who gathered to witness their public profession of love and commitment to each other as they beamed with joy and dreamed about their new life together. 

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