#395: SPOTLIGHT: Laurie Cameron

#395: Laurie Cameron 

July 23, 2024

A Backbeat of Community

Question for Laurie: 

The Serenity Prayer offers: “Grant me the serenity to accept what I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference….” With this thought, does something come to mind that you couldn’t change but had (or having) trouble accepting? 

Laurie's Response: 

Since Luke graced my life 32 years ago, my focus has been on how to support my developmentally disabled son in a world that too often is unwelcoming. Initially I leaned into the State agency whose sole existence is to implement support services in a wide range of areas. What I came to realize was this agency, while ensuring all individuals received benefits to which they were entitled, was for the most part a bureaucratic clearing house bereft of imagination, creativity, and most alarming, out of touch with the reality of challenges families like mine were, and are, living day to day.  

I cleaved to Einstein’s definition of insanity, and stopped putting negative energy around that which I could neither accept nor could I change the entrenched regulations and ideologies inherent in the system.

What I could change was my attitude, perspective, and ability to make the change I wanted to see. My pivot resulted in the creation of The Extended Family, which in turn has yielded to date, more than 48,000 meals distributed to our food insecure neighbors: prepared, packed and delivered by our intrepid participants whom we call, Dreamers. 

And so to the systems who purport to support us yet whose requirements, rules and regulations underestimate us, I say with calm in my heart, just watch our Dreamers work their magic.

I now have the inner wisdom to know the heart difference. 


I suspect Laurie would love all direct responses from you.  I find it incredibly encouraging when I hear from any of you after I share my thoughts. It is powerful for me. I assume many others have a similar experience. So here is Laurie's email… pip   


Amanda’s thought… 

Laurie - there are few times where I enter a new setting and immediately feel a sense of home. And that was what it was like for me when I stepped into the Extended Family space, meeting you and the Dreamers in person for the first time, and hearing about the incredible work you all are doing each and every week for others. What a beautiful ripple effect of love, generosity and compassion created. I felt it. Thank you for sharing this wonderful note and photo, Laurie. 

- AP