#348: Community Anti-Pet Peeve Share
A couple weeks back, I asked a few people in the community to share something small that brings them great joy. I loved going through all the different responses, and am sharing this compiled list of anti-pet peeves below. Hope you enjoy it too. Happy Tuesday everyone!
- Amanda
Community Anti-Pet Peeve Share
My anti-pet peeve is going out for a morning run and the temperature is just perfect - not too cool and not too warm. The city has not quite woken up and there is a calm in the air.
- Beck Sullivan
When I go down to the gym in our building and I’m the only one there for my workout.
- Jarwei Fang
Trying a recipe for the first time, and it actually comes out really well and it becomes a staple! Recently for us it’s been a vegan lasagna recipe.
- Lauren Culbertson
When you are crafting a text message to a friend who you haven't spoken to in some time, and all of a sudden you get a text from them, right as you are about to send, asking how things are going. How special, perhaps coincidental, perhaps lucky, perhaps we are just in sync.
- Lusine Galoyan
Drinkable running water... Refrigeration... Down filled pillows on a memory foam bed... The Ocean... Sunsets... The joy of sight, smell, hearing, touch and taste... Coffee! FaceTime / Zoom, so I can see my kids every day... And friends like you who make my story far more adventurous!
- Frank Tate
Opportunities to travel with people I love. Also, just how much joy is sparked by spotting a blue bird or saying hi to little critters along the way (photo attached).
- Christina Posa
One of many things I love about working for Sprigeo is facing obstacles and/or issues that are pushed on me to be solved. While I never have had the patience for piecing together a 1000 piece puzzle, I love brainstorming different avenues to solve a problem. As small or large as a solution can be, I find joy in knowing that it is creating an easier experience for someone else!
- Tristan Bruzzese
When it's kinda cold out and when people are talking, when someone pauses the conversation to move the group into a sun spot. LOVE THAT!
- Regina Anderson
- Christina Posa, Rocky Mountain National Park