#139: My Month with Music
This is a piece written by Julie from December of 2017, but I decided to re-send it out simply because it's beautifully written and also because of the renewed appreciation and connection I personally had with music this summer. I spent the last two months in Florida, with many of my friends gone while swamped in graduate school work. I give music a great deal of credit for getting me through the tough times. I didn't see it/use it as something to block out the world around me, but as something to help navigate through it with a more trusting, positive outlook with greater ease. Music made my mornings more relaxed and grounded, and my walks to class more pleasant. I was also reminded of a quote by Hans Christian Andersen - "Where words fail, music speaks." :)
- Amanda
Julie Y. Sun julieysun@gmail.com
My Month with Music
July was a month of self-discovery and new experiences.
It was the first summer my kids were away while I stayed behind in NYC. I made a conscious decision to not feel anxious or sad. Instead, I was to focus on myself and spend July working on becoming…
…a better dancer.
I spent every spare moment immersed in the dance studio, the socials, focused on existing in lock step with energies that fueled passion, love and positivity. Learning how to dance taught me how to be in the present like I've never been before. To listen, to feel, to interact... to appreciate and play the roles we each play in life with utmost beauty and strength.
I danced my heart out.
I connected with people that I hope will be a part of my life until the day I die.
I felt happy and alive.
Like the Wizard of Oz, on my salsa journey, I met a band of misfits with nothing in common other than the time slot we choose to show up for class. As a group, we were merely novice dancers; but the enthusiasm, love and tenacity to try and achieve, made us vibrant and magnetic. We were fun, sexy, and owned any dance floor that would have us.
In spending time with my Salsa Posse, I got to see their hearts and meet their souls.
What we had in common was the awareness and intent to live life to the fullest through compassion, acceptance and loving ourselves. We all practiced harnessing our own hurt, vulnerabilities and experiences into existing with optimism, openness and love. This manifested itself in our care for one another, our sexy dance moves, and the laughter we shared in the endless bantering. I think this is what Plato meant when he said "You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation." I feel like I know them for years not weeks.
As the month came to an end, I found myself equally eager to hug my kids at the airport as I was filled with gratitude for the month I lived with music. July could’ve been painful and filled with suffering but instead, I embarked on an adventure that opened a new world for me. Dance will forever be a part of me now.
It was priceless.
Julie's first-person bio:
I am a growth hacker/strategist. I leverage technology, shifting trends, and new mediums to help businesses learn and grow. I'd like to think of myself as a professional hobbiest where I go into rabbit holes to uncover new things to share and build out with others. My biggest joy in work is when I am able to help a team of people with good intentions and meaningful products get a leg up in the marketplace.