#290: Winter Themed Anti Pet Peeves
I think about a month into winter I start counting down the days til spring. But there's definitely some things I appreciate about this season specifically, and I decided to write a few of them down in my gratitude journal. And then I reached out to a handful of community members asking if they may have a winter-themed anti pet peeve to share too. I wanted to hear the moments of gratitude they experience too. I compiled the responses into a list below.
I hope you enjoy it! And don't forget to check out Angie's video attached. Hers is a great anti PET peeve :)
- Amanda
Winter themed anti pet peeves
Waking up on a crisp, bright and frosty winter morning and seeing the story of the night imprinted on the lawn, etched into the frosted grass. The meanderings of the resident, the family cat. The tracks of the regular visitors, the hedgehog and the fox. And, occasionally, the swirling of the grass snake that lives near the fishpond.
- JP Rangaswami
I love the opportunity to experience all four seasons. Winter brings with it such beautiful skies and snow! I love seeing the colors that the sunrise brings as a backdrop for the tree branches. (photo attached)
- Jennifer Salopek
When I am freezing cold from being outside and then I come inside to take a hot shower…that feeling of shivering and feeling the cold deep in your bones, to then feeling warmth and all that tension released, is just the best.
-Lauren Culbertson
Now that we live in Litchfield County CT, and I don't have to worry so much about cars passing by, after a big snow I love letting my dog Freddy run out of the front door with no leash. She flies around the front yard, taking a few laps and intermittently stopping for seconds at a time to bury her nose as deep as she can and then pretending she is sneezing to throw snow in the air. This goes on for about 5-10 minutes straight and then she runs back in the house panting and literally smiling. :) (video attached)
- Angie Dalton
I hunt for whitetail deer in the dead of winter. I hunt for meat, not trophies, and I only target mature does, because their removal benefits the herd overall. When I sit by myself in the woods at dusk when it's below freezing, and I see beautiful healthy bucks around where I hunt, like this one, it tells me what I’m doing is working. (photo attached)
- Dave Hochman
Snow has this amazing property to abstract our environment with a curtain of neutrality, taming color, dirt, and movement - letting us re-see our environment with new eyes.
- Matthias Hollwich
When my 3 year old nieces put on their snow gear, it makes them double in size, causing them to waddle around while attempting to gather snowballs in their hefty mittens. (photo attached)
- Amanda Posa
Link to Angie’s Video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/14Kf9Hg9-Krgb8_PFAE0aYNplkLT-ZXj4/view
- Jennifer Salopek - Amanda Posa - Dave Hochman