#246: Grateful-Themed Anti Pet Peeves ROUND #4
Here is our final round of anti pet peeves! Thank you for all the thoughtful contributions. My heart is so full.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Easy. My granddaughter Jemma who was born in February and gives me hope every single day! - Irwin Kula
There are so many things to be grateful for.
First, grateful for COVID (not the misery imparted on so many). It has enabled me to do things that were not possible. Giving for me is the most selfish act for it makes me feel good. “Before death takes away what you are given, give away what there is to give.” Rumi
Grateful for technology that enables me to do many many tasks without leaving home. As the old yellow pages commercial goes “let your fingers do the walking”. Can you imagine if COVID happened in the 90s with just dialup connections? Virtual meetings would have never happened (yes voice conferencing was there). And...
Staying healthy and active and keeping COVID away. - Muayyad Al-Chalabi
I am so grateful for my wife and kids. We have been (mostly) at home now since early March, and that actually has been a wonderful time, thanks to them! And..
We have always cherished having dinner together as a family and now we try to make dinner something special every night by cooking something we have never done before or ordering out from a restaurant that we’d never tried before, or from a place that we all really love. So every evening at home is now something special!!! - Michiel Plakman
On the small scale:
There is a fox who lives nearby, and every time my girlfriend or I see him/her we get really excited and a “fox alert” happens. It is so much fun to see this elusive creature slinking by one of our windows! (too elusive so far for a photo)
Our two new kittens make me smile whenever they cry out, especially since it usually comes right before they appear in the room.
Larger scale:
My son Marco has become such a responsible young man, and he is already set with his first job right after he completes his graduate program in December!
My dad is still going strong at 90 years old, and we are still finding new things to talk about. In 2020 I have heard more about our family history and his younger days than I had in my whole life prior! - Robert Genco
I'm grateful to have witnessed 10 survivors of trafficking make flawless pitches to get funding to advance their business ventures and career goals. - Sandra Diaz
I remember so clearly, at the beginning of the pandemic, how reluctant (even angry) I was we had to move all things "virtual"! I'm an extrovert, a people person, and I get my energy from being around people. In person. If there is one thing I've learned this past year however, it's how one can build and maintain significant and beautiful relationships via Zoom (or WhatsApp, FT or any other platform for that matter). My community has actually grown significantly in this season where we were asked to quarantine and not gather together. It's truly been incredible to witness the love and vulnerabilities shared on a screen, creating new and meaningful relationships. - Cindy Bombeeck
I am grateful for the schools, and teachers, who stayed open and worked through the lockdowns. It gave me so much peace of mind that my kids had as much of the old routine as the schools could manage. And the kids play together without having to keep any distance between them, I like that. Now that vaccines are coming, I hope years from now we don’t forget who we needed. - Jags Walia
Thanksgiving leftovers and not having to worry about what we will eat for a few days! And when Ellie (my toddler) realizes it’s dark and runs to the window to look for the “crescent moon” or “full moon”... which are currently synonymous right now and do NOT try to tell her otherwise. - Jaime Posa
Having the sacred honor to witness my mother’s last breath and to feel appreciation for the circle of life that allowed her to witness my first.
First picture is my mom with me as a newborn.
Second is her a few years before she died at the age of 93.
Third is the tree we are dedicating in her honor at Morton Arboretum, one of her favorite nature sanctuaries near Chicago. (photos attached) - Dorie Blesoff
I’m immensely grateful for the time I’ve gotten to spend with my wife and family this year. I’ve traveled less this year than I have in the last decade – and I’ve spent more time with my wife this year than I have in probably the last 9 of those 10 years. I’ve actually found that we’ve found new romance, new things to laugh about and new love. It’s been an eye opening experience, and one I’m tremendously grateful for. - Rob Rose
- Dorie Blesoff