CFC Blog #199: Anti-Pet Peeves - Meets - Masks

When Rabbi Irwin and I were talking about how we were going to write the piece “The Spirit of the Community for Change,” Irwin spoke about how there are so many seemingly opposite things that make up the CFC, and in a way that’s what makes it work. Spontaneity/ direction. Hierarchy/ egalitarianism. Obligation/ freedom. One of things I have learned from this pandemic is how it is the people who are, in a sense, the most vulnerable right now also hold the most strength and power - they are holding the social fabric of our country together. Another thing I’ve learned? How to be happy and sad at the same time. 

Good things, as Pip points out, often come from paradoxes. Thank you, Pip!

PS - Here is my mask anti-pet peeve! I heard not long ago that some people are making masks that are clear so that those who are hard of hearing and read lips will be able to communicate better. And everyone can see people smile - such a great example of inclusive design that benefits all! 

- Lauren

Anti-Pet Peeves –Meets – Masks

 Early this morning at about 6:20am, I stopped at a rest area on Interstate 87 while heading down from Saratoga to Pleasantville.  I realized two anti-pet-peeves about the now ubiquitous face masks being worn!

Anti-Pet Peeve #1                 Putting on my face mask as I headed into the truly gorgeous rest area…

Anti-Pet Peeves #2               Removing my face mask after I left the building as was back near my car…

As I thought of these anti-pet-peeves, I thought, “geez, that’s funny! One joy comes from putting it on and one joy comes from taking it off! Funny??!!”

I thought of a friend from Ohio who lives in Hong Kong. A couple of weeks back, Jeff shared one observer's opinion of the United States. That essayist had suggested that one of the strengths of the United States was that it had a giant Statue of Liberty on its eastern shore…  and that in creating balance, our country might benefit from a Statue of Responsibility on its western shore.

Certainly we have MANY people and organizations that operate with immense responsibility, but maybe we are out of balance between the two: liberty and responsibility?

And I thought about that balance.

My anti-pet-peeve #1 (JOY!) of putting the mask on as I went into the albeit largely empty building was that I had this awesome opportunity to feel like I was “being responsible” and I love it. It means that I am interdependent with others and I LOVE that.  Thich Nhat Hahn offers that the meaning of life is not what happens to people, but what happens between people.  This was my (albeit smidgen of a) chance to feel “responsible."  What a great feeling…to care for others.

My anti-pet-peeve #2 (JOY!) of taking off the mask I sense was about liberty. I don’t inherently WANT to wear a mask over my face.  And it feels great to experience a smidgen of a moment of experiencing liberty as well.

I hope your Friday is a great one, and I say that realizing that I have friends who have lost dear ones very very very recently in this crisis and have so so many strains and worries. And if your day is horrible, I am thinking of you and I care deeply about you, even if there is nothing I am able to do to fix it…and I am hear to listen if that might help…

 With great love,


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