CFC Blog #56: Daily Little Gifts

My sister and I's favorite things summed up in three words: kids...and nature :) Thanks for sharing this short but sweet little reminder, Jaime! 

- Amanda

Daily Little Gifts

What a wonderful day to be a teacher. What a wonderful way to get to know the Earth better - through the eyes of a child. What a gift to have a boyfriend who is a wonderful father to wonderful kids - to have a glimpse of life in this role. 

How easy it is to get caught up in the stress of managing it all and doing it all “right” - Life that is. 

What gifts you receive when you step out of your mind and your expectations and you experience the joy of what’s happening right before you. 

Some days it’s easier and more natural than others. 

Some days I feel like I can’t remember a single thing I learned in all my years of yoga and meditation. Oh well. Being human is real. 

Spring was on point today. So was the dancing, the dirty hands, the bus ride smiles and the sweetest hugs.

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