CFC Blog #116: My Birth Story
I think this may be one of the purest and most natural forms of "living in the now," truly feeling every aspect of the present moment without controlling it or allowing it to control. After Jaime and I lost our dad, I quickly started to emphasize that life and the pain that comes with it simply comes in waves. And I think in this piece, it is obvious that Jaime let go of trying to control the strong waves of discomfort and fear that were exhausting her, and instead decided to float until the roughness of the water broke (or in this case, HER water broke! ... too soon for jokes??) Welcome to the family baby Ellie! :)
- Amanda
My Birth Story
The bright red spot in your left eye
Mirrors the one in my right.
Matching subconjunctival hemorrhages,
Markings of our journeys
Our arrivals
Our births.
After 68 hours of early labor,
Prodromal, with little progression,
And intense back pain,
I finally surrendered.
Laying down on the couch
My body crumpled in exhaustion
And stuttering through tears of despair
I said out loud to Dennis
And perhaps to whatever power that exists that is greater than us
That I was done.
For just a minute or more
I was alone in the silence of our living room,
As my body and my mind finally let go of my desperate desire to have a beautiful home birth in the timeframe I expected with the team I had carefully composed.
Nothing had gone as planned
And I finally said out loud
“Take me”
This isn’t in my control.
And just then Dennis sat behind me, put his hands on my back
And I breathed a deep breath as low as I could into my body.
And just like that there was a pop we both heard
My water broke,
You finally dislodged from my pelvis
And three hours later
With the grace of a greater plan and greater pace
You appeared gently
On our bedroom floor.
And when we looked at each other
We each saw the small red paintings on the pure white canvases of our eyes
Telling each other our birth stories
Through the gateways of our souls.