CFC Blog #45: Throwback to - 20 Greatest Hits on Listening

Last Thursday we held a soaking lunch with 11 folks at the Seaport space. It is meant as a time of zero intensity and enjoying being present with some cool human beings so that naturally we each might be nourished and along the way we meet some specific people to get to know much more deeply than we had. These soaking lunches (and dinners) are meant to experience what we might relatively consider VERY HIGH TRUST in a very short amount of time. And if we create such routine BACKBEATS then the Community For Change will fairly quickly benefit from the compound and cumulative effect of an ever accelerating inter-woven fabric of trust and all the infinite possibilities which can be created on top. Other backbeats include the Crosby Retreat Nov 13-14, the monthly zoom video sessions and these Writer’s Circle notes themselves.


One topic that surfaced Thursday was “Listening”…

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Joe EspositoComment
CFC Blog #45: 20 Greatest Hits on Listening


Last Thursday we held a soaking lunch with 11 folks at the Seaport space. It is meant as a time of zero intensity and enjoying being present with some cool human beings so that naturally we each might be nourished and along the way we meet some specific people to get to know much more deeply than we had. These soaking lunches (and dinners) are meant to experience what we might relatively consider VERY HIGH TRUST in a very short amount of time. And if we create such routine BACKBEATS then the Community For Change will fairly quickly benefit from the compound and cumulative effect of an ever accelerating inter-woven fabric of trust and all the infinite possibilities which can be created on top. Other backbeats include the Crosby Retreat Nov 13-14, the monthly zoom video sessions and these Writer’s Circle notes themselves.

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Joe EspositoComment
CFC Blog #30: How To Die


I often say to people who are describing extremely challenging periods that they are going through…

“I wouldn’t pretend to even imagine what this is like for you.”

To me… it is a clear truth. My wife Kelly shared a phrase with me: “Every person you meet is fighting a personal battle you know nothing about… so be kind… always…” I want to honor that even if I have experienced similar content in my life as someone else that in no way suggests that I know what they are going through. I can be present and kind but I can’t feel what they are feeling. I can know my own struggle and how hard life might be and from there bring greater and greater compassion but even that doesn’t have me even pretend to know what it is like for them.

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James OthmerComment