CFC Blog #297: Being a Boring Dad

I love how I can read this and all of a sudden feel like I'm a part of Corey's happily energized morning routine. What a wonderful mindset to start the day in, one that I suppose not only evokes more joy, but also fuels greater curiosity and creativity while in "work mode." Thank you for being open and sharing your lively spirit, Corey!

- Amanda

Being a Boring Dad

At bedtime the other night, my son Teddy told me, “Dad, I love you… even though you’re boring.”

I kissed him on the forehead, and couldn’t disagree. I kept thinking about how I can find a better balance between being the coach and the referee; in my relationships with my kids, and in my life. And then it leapt out at me, all of a sudden. A position I’d totally missed thinking about. I’d forgotten how to be the player.

When did I stop playing pretend?

Maybe tomorrow morning, I’ll do it like I was 8.

As soon as my eyes open, I’ll jump up and out of bed, and get back into play.

I’ll pick out whatever clothes my hands happen to grab. (NO multiple outfit changes.)

My mug with gold lines like electricity… it powers me up, sending jolts of joy and strength through me, which MUST be expressed with a silly voice and physical embellishments.

I’ll play music, and sing and dance while doing my morning routine… maybe the kids will dance with me and see that their dad remembers how to let loose and have fun.

The rays of sunlight across the floor that become rainbows must be called out (and danced in). RAINBOW!

There’s time for a quick race around the room with Lucy (our dog) while getting shoes on.

I’ll play along with today’s make-up freeze-tag variation my kids create on the walk to school.

And get totally distracted by a new flower in bloom. And a brief chipper greeting convo with a regular morning acquaintance.

Then we’re there, with time for the quickest hug and kiss goodbye from each of them — a cue for the pep in my step, and the slide in my glide to fade, as my Dad-ly duties diminish for a while.

And when I finally sit down to start work, some of that inertia of innocence will remain wrapped about me.

I’ll find time to crack a couple of jokes in each meeting.

While answering emails, whatever emoji comes to mind WILL BE ADDED. 

There will somehow be a way for me to bring joy to every single conversation I have… and I’m just the detective to find it.  

Whenever something starts to feel like “work”, I’ll put a bookmark in it, and come back to it later when I can see it through “play”.

And day by day, remember how to play pretend.

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