Back when I was getting my teaching degree, I learned in detail the steps to creating and carrying out a formal lesson plan. Though this was a process in the art of teaching, the last and very crucial step (once the lesson had been taught to students) was to engage in my own learning and self-reflection. This reflection not only involved gauging what the students took away from the lesson, but what myself as the teacher learned too. This would entail considering the strengths and shortcomings, if the goal had been reached, and where I could improve next time. The teaching and the learning went hand in hand. I love that Corey emphasizes the value of setting aside that time for reflection, and it motivates me to think more about how often I sit back and actually do it myself - whether that means pausing to check in on my relationships, work, my health, and even my spiritual learnings. And the greater self-discovery that could come from doing so more regularly.
- Amanda
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