CFC Blog #25: Vision
This piece made me think of one more thing I'd like to hang to my bedroom wall---a small poster with my encouragement and vision: "To inspire the next generation of children to be more curious, gentle, and conscientious towards themselves and others, and also to the Earth." Thanks Brinton!
- Amanda
Last week I met with the founder of a young startup to go over the financial model for their company. As we started digging into the finer points of his spreadsheet, I stopped and said, “This is all great, but how are you imparting the vision to your group? Does everyone know their role? Do they understand the vision, its importance to the world and that it will not come to pass without them?” We quickly ditched the spreadsheet and went to the whiteboard.
Without a vision, the people perish. Ancient proverb
Years ago, I sat in one of those pivotal meetings where an organization finds itself at a crossroads. As the leader began to speak, I felt primed to hear vision; to be inspired by the grand purpose behind our efforts and to be empowered to go out and achieve that purpose. The goal of the company was, in fact, a noble one and I stood ready to metaphorically renew my vows.
But that didn’t happen.
Instead, the leader offered promises of a big payout. I heard something like, “just put your head down, work hard, and everyone will reap huge benefits.” I held out hope that a dynamic message lurked in the background, but it never materialized. As the meeting droned on and finally disintegrated into more of the same, something inside of me died.
Desire without discipline breeds disappointment. Discipline without desire breeds drudgery. Anonymous
It’s mid-January. For those of us that make New Year’s resolutions, my guess is that the first half of this quote is already becoming reality. Desire, or resolutions, without discipline breeds disappointment. I now understand this as desire clashing with heart-dying or busy (thanks, Julie!). I picture the second half of the quote, discipline without desire, as something akin to eating shredded wheat cereal with no milk. Just a sort of painful grind on a path to nowhere.
Vision, Desire and Discipline are three key ingredients that work together to form a powerful recipe. Leave out one and it just doesn't taste right.
As leaders (which means all of us in some capacity or another) our ability to impart vision, inspire others and provide tools to make it possible can be among the most life-giving acts of which we are capable. For without vision, we perish.