CFC Blog #99: A Magnifying Approach

A Magnifying Approach

For the last six months, I have been meeting with an amazing life coach in-training via zoom every other week. During our last call, I communicated to her that, lately, I have been so stressed and overwhelmed that I have actively noticed myself getting more easily frustrated or upset over minor things that occur in my life on a daily basis. I told her that I had been feeling hypersensitive to trivial negative incidences… like when I got to Dunkin’ Donuts and realized I had forgotten my reusable plastic straw.. or when a driver didn't let me cross in the crosswalk.. and safe to say, I did not like this realization I was having.

So instead she asked me to talk to her about the little things that occurred that day, or in the past week, that were positive and joyful. I started talking about the successful tutoring session I had with a struggling fifth grade writer where I witnessed him write a full essay on his paper, and how I watched someone pick up someone else’s litter on campus, and how Chad surprised me with my favorite exclusive Ben & Jerry’s flavor. 

And moments later, I felt a heavy weight free itself from my shoulders and a tension release from my chest. 

So next we discussed how I could practice shifting my perspective to shed light instead on the small positivities and lighthearted moments that occur, even through these stressful times. Therefore, she had me look around my bedroom to find something that could serve as an illustrative reminder of this notion: to zoom in on the little things, and navigate through each day with a so-called magnifying glass in my pocket. 

I immediately noticed the two glass picture frames on my desk, one which holds a picture from my high school graduation day with my parents, and one which has a photograph of my siblings and I with Dion Drew from the incredible Greyston Bakery in Yonkers, NY. So now each day, I glance at the glass frames, and the wonderful moments and experiences captured within them, and remember how I’d like to live more of my days with a magnifying glass, enlarging all of the anti-pet peeves that I encounter. 

And a big thank you to Pip for sharing his list of anti-pet peeves and inspiring me to also strengthen the muscle of joy finding. So finally, here’s my personal list :) 

  • Waking up just before my alarm goes off

  • Remembering my umbrella 

  • Trying something new from a new vendor at the farmer’s market 

  • Having short but meaningful conversations with cashiers at checkout

  • The feeling after drinking just the right amount of coffee

  • Phone calls with my mom walking home from class 

  • Creating a new Spotify workout playlist

  • Taking pictures with friends 

  • Slow music in the morning after a good night’s rest

  • New York City in the winter 

  • New York City in the summer, spring and fall :)  

  • When all of my roommates and I find time to walk the dog together around campus

  • When I time my To-Do list just right

  • When the sky turns pink over the Hudson River

  • When my mom starts counting down the days till I get home 

  • Getting in bed with warm, clean sheets and comforter

  • When my boyfriend, Chad, surprises me with Ben & Jerry’s

  • When Chad surprises me with Sriracha popcorn

  • Baking with my sister during the holiday time and accidentally eating half the batter together

  • Eating at my favorite vegetarian place on campus

  • Receiving funny family group chat texts 

  • Receiving funny family group chat photos

  • Finding a lady bug on me or my belongings 

  • When my new-born niece, GiGi, smiles when looking at me

  • When I see my mom sit down and enjoy relaxation 

  • Watering my plants and one day really noticing their growth 

  • Hugs from Chad  

  • Hitting 10,000 steps 

  • When my dad comes up in convo and I get to talk about the type of person he was

  • How our Betta Fish swims to the side of his bowl when I’m doing the dishes 

  • When I get to sit outside in my favorite spot on campus to do work 

  • When the sand is warm when playing beach volleyball 

  • When strangers say hi as they pass by in the park 

  • When my environmental club and I make homemade all natural products 

  • The feeling of a hot shower after a long session on the stair master 

  • The feeling after I put on coconut oil and get in bed

  • Thunderstorms during the day

  • Thunderstorms and rain at night

  • Untouched snow that literally sparkles

  • When my 16-year-old dog sprints through Rockwood State Park 

  • When my roommates remember that I had an exam and ask how it went 

  • Hitting “Confirm” as I finish booking my next flight home 

  • Random cheesy but heartwarming texts from Chad 

  • Cooking a new recipe 

  • Closing out of the 40 open tabs on my laptop after submitting an essay 

  • Wearing slippers all day 

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