CFC Blog #232: Loss, lots of mud, and a hidden force

It's been a few years now since my dad passed, and I've felt that time doesn't necessarily make the loss easier nor can it heal wounds. Instead, I've always said how pain comes in waves, and I simply learn how to move with them and navigate the waters a bit better. Maria's piece reminds me of the power of continual movement (in whatever personal form that may be) within a very connected world that is intertwined with countless links and relationships that I can be a part of and learn from. And fully experiencing the strenuous waves as well as the calm waters beside one another is perhaps a telltale part of embracing the full spectrum of the human experience, as Bill taps into in his last piece.

I hope you enjoy Maria's moving share below.


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Maria SouzaComment
CFC Blog #197: Earth Day-Inspired Anti Pet Peeves

As I was reaching out to collect anti pet peeves for Earth Day, Maria responded with a more extensive list, and I decided to share this wonderfully detailed list with the community! She also used her inspiration to create a little collage to go with it as you'll see below! I hope you enjoy - I am ALL for celebrating Earth Day not just on the 22nd, but everyday :) Thank you for keeping the theme going, Maria!

- Amanda

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Maria SouzaComment
CFC Blog #189: CFC Connection Story

One of the many perks (I think) of being in a close-knit group like this is it's large enough where I feel I'm consistently inspired by someone new each week... but small enough that it's very well possible to meet up with a community member to strengthen the bond on an even more personal level at any point in time .. perhaps outside "the work environment." I hope you all enjoy this short story Maria wrote about her special experience shared with Elana.

If anyone else has a CFC Connection Story they'd like to share with the wider community, please feel free to send it my way :)

- Amanda

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Maria SouzaComment
CFC Blog #180: Friendship in the Times of Pandemic

I’ve known Maria for a few years now, and I’ve come to know her presence as a steady voice through uncertainty - which I am appreciating now more than ever. Amongst all the data and the headlines and public health guidelines we are being bombarded with, this a breath of fresh air, and word of encouragement in what I am calling not just a pandemic of physical illness, but also a pandemic of despair. Thank you, Maria, for encoring us to lean into relationships with one another right now. And feel better soon.

- Lauren

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Maria SouzaComment
CFC Blog #168: On Gratitude...

Back in November, I had asked Maria to share one thing she was grateful for from the past year. She responded with a much deeper thought and shared some very personal experiences. I am excited to now share it with you all as well. Maria inspires me to be more self-reflective and to find greater peace from within, being conscious of my surroundings let not allowing them to disturb what's inside. I think this idea helps me be more present, aware, and even spiritual. Thank you for your authenticity and for your growth mindset Maria, as always!

- Amanda

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Maria SouzaComment
CFC Blog #155: Mitochondria, collaboration, and ubiquity

I always learn striking scientific facts as well as a very deep message about the world and people whenever I read Maria's writing - one of the many countless reasons I find it so incredibly memorable! This blog reminds me of the concept of biomimicry, which refers to the idea that people can look to nature's models as inspiration for solutions to solve human's challenges or answer questions. Just as I have learned from Maria's piece about the power of collaboration, I think about other inventions inspired by nature's time-tested patterns - like how wind turbines were modeled after humpback whales' flippers and the angle to which they hit the water. It is so interesting to notice the science before us and see how it applies to and can largely support our every day lives in a personal and professional sense! Thank you for this, Maria.

- Amanda

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Maria SouzaComment
CFC Blog #51: Information, pleasure, and the cosmos

I am so grateful the universe decided to allow Maria and I to cross paths. We met at Roadmakers this April! And I'm convinced she's a walking encyclopedia...but also with a wonderful personality AND with extra pieces of luminous stardust in her soul ;)

Maria is a biologist by trade, and her passion boils over in this next piece. Thank you for sharing with us, Maria!

- Amanda

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