
We are about ONE thing:

Making a significant difference to difference makers.

…with the very heart being the power unleashed when exceptional trust and community are present.

The Community For Change is Coburn Ventures’ version of philanthropy and making lasting change. The activity takes many many forms.

The Culture:

is of student-mindedness, deep listening, creative problem solving and contribution with easy on ramps and easy off ramps.  

Our Method:

 is of zero-obligation, passion-matching and joy. We think joy is way too often overlooked.

One Base Observation:  

deep trust is transitive, scalable and can be instantaneously established, contrary to common thinking. And when present deep trust leads to the richest social fabric from which nearly and change is possible.

Even After All this time The Sun never says to the Earth, “You owe me.” Look What happens With a love like that, It lights the whole sky.
— Hafez

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to connect with us, please reach out to Melissa@coburnventures.com :)