CFC Blog #120: Being There

Ironically enough, I read Lauren's blog below right after spontaneously deciding NOT to attend one of my technology classes this week where the topic also happened to be about robotics. My nerd-self felt a huge sense of guilt afterwards for not showing up to it. I spent the afternoon wondering what I could've learned if I had been present... But then I looked through the PowerPoint slides I missed on the topic that day (robots), and realized that although I could've shown up there and taken notes on a screen, I instead spent my time being present with my roommates on a long walk with our pup before we all graduate in a month and won't see each other much. I realized this week, through my first-ever class absence & also through Lauren's piece, that it's pretty important to be present..but it's ESPECIALLY important to be present in the places & with the people that allow me to most easily and HAPPILY feel present...if that makes sense :) Thanks Lauren!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #111: Ethical Crossovers

Many times that I am sitting outside on campus here at the University of Florida, someone or a small group of people come up to me with the mission to promote a certain theology or inspire me to attend religious services. Although my beliefs don't line up with theirs and I politely reject the offerings, I have noticed that neither of us ever immediately turn away from each other in the face of our recently-discovered differences. We continue to have conversations about things like kindness and doing good for others, volunteer work, and issues like poverty and homelessness. We embrace the overlap that does exist and enjoy this conversation pertaining to our shared values beneath the trees. Thank you Lauren for inspiring me to reflect more deeply on these personal experiences of mine. What a wonderful awareness to begin the week :)

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #105: Writing About How I Don't Know What to Write

Lauren's piece sparks many thoughts for me. First, it reminds me of just how beautiful and powerful music can be. My sister and I actually recently had a discussion about how we noticed, especially while we are traveling through new cities or places, music has the ability to bring groups of strangers together and pause time where it is and join with one another to appreciate the instrumentals. Then I thought of how, when I am experiencing writer's block, I immediately put on a relaxing playlist on Spotify I have simply titled, "Writing," and it's amazing how the musical notes can instantaneously stir up and spill new thoughts and ideas onto my laptop screen :) Thank you for this Lauren!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #91: The Sweet Spot

Lauren, your blog reminded me of something that was brought up in the CFC zoom session this week... that perhaps it is possible to experience multiple states at once. In other words, I can be stressed and nervous while working to make a serious life change for myself, while also experiencing joy and excitement for the new possibilities to come. I love that your blog sheds light upon finding the "sweet spot" in all of life's craziness... or should I say spookiness (Happy Halloween all!) ;)


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Lauren CulbertsonComment
CFC Blog #68: Believing It'll Happen

One of my favorite sayings, that actually one of my sister's once shared with me is.. Our life is a creation of our mind. Lauren, your writing reminds me of this quote, and it also gets my adrenaline running juuust a lil bit. Thank you for sharing your experience, and for the awesome picture too.

Mind > Matter :)

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #58: Running Towards, Not Away

After months of reading her wonderful writing and communicating through many emails back and forth, I finally got to meet Lauren last night in person at a soaking dinner! She shared with us one story that I think reaffirmed the need for community.. and it totally moved me. I'll never forget it. And this piece she wrote below is yet another insight/word of advice that I'll hold on to forever as well. Thank you Lauren for all of this, and for your joyful presence and inspiration last night!

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #43: NYC Marathon

One of the things I love most about running marathons is that moment at the beginning when we are lined up and I look around at the many other participants and I “know” the determination that has allowed them to be so disciplined and have such exertion to do the training required. It is hard to just “show” up for a marathon. It calls for re-orienting life and thinking that all the re-orienting is a great thing.

That moment of shared respect feels so so good to be involved in and I wish that it wouldn’t merely be completed several hours later.

I think the collective consciousness Lauren speaks of below makes marathon day in New York the best day of the year.

I would LOVE if you or a dear friend would love to run the New York City Marathon this fall with Restore to reach out to Lauren ( or me. There is a somewhat short window for Restore to sign people up who would enjoy the marathon and in doing so be a bridge so that others might sponsor not you but sponsor Restore and their sensational energy toward helping survivors of sex traffic. You can join in some of the best of our humanity as it works to overcome some of the very worst of humanity.


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CFC Blog #34: On Agency and Choice

My grandmother never had a cane, a hearing aid, or a single pair of glasses her whole life. She liked to brag about her toughness. One of the weirdest and HARDEST sights to see and accept occurred to me her last two weeks on Earth, as I saw she needed help lifting herself out of bed and using the bathroom. She passed at 95 shortly after she lost her sense of independence and agency. Lauren, I really love the point you made - we absolutely need those things to live with pride and joy, and also to help and bring more joy to those around us.

- Amanda

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CFC Blog #13: Too Much Room to Assume

The following piece from Lauren is one I absolutely connect to in various ways, especially as a Gen Z. This piece reminds me of how wonderful it felt when I was in Australia with barely any cell-service. When I eventually went in my suitcase one day to grab my phone, I couldn't even find it.. and for once, I was VERY happy to have no clue where the thing was due to the liberation I had been feeling for days without it! So after reading this piece, I ask myself: What can I do to unchain myself from my devices/technology on a regular basis and simply JUST BE... with others, with my environment, and with myself...


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CFC Blog #05: Tears of Deep, Deep Hurt

FROM PIP — BETA #5: from Lauren Culbertson

#1 I might keep reminding that we are aiming to create a space of a mere 260 people that might run very deep amongst us and that depth might be experienced through the writing which might provide a backbeat of this community.

#2 So here is… Lauren… she is clearly capable of taking on that sizable task of cultivating community as she writes… Lauren has quickly become yet another one of my favorite writers! I found that this piece highlights the core of what is so so special of one of my favorite organizations in the world – Restore - and one Brynne connected Coburn Ventures with years ago. In highlighting below the capacity Restore has created, Lauren implicitly points that certain deep human experiences and conditions don’t so easily have a place to live in our places of work to the degree that is possible. What Restore has capacity for is largely absent in the world… for now… I thought of words from a Pretenders song titled “Human”: “See I bleed and I bruise, oh, but what’s it to you. I’m only human on the inside.” The great cover-up of pain. Thank you Lauren.

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