I remember being with Irwin at a very intimate gathering a few years ago when a very senior business executive was sharing her consideration of leaving the business world and going back to divinity school. Irwin – a seventh generation Rabbi – suggested to her that she was crazy! His thinking was that business was where all the action is and that people have been widening their spirituality such that once a week in a religious institution now pales in comparison with five+ days a week in business. The reduction in power of religious institutions means all of the “jobs” formerly the domain of churches and temples now need filling elsewhere. Effectively, he said to her, “if you want to make a difference in the world, stay where you are… that’s where all the people are…”
Irwin’s clarity has helped me slice through so much noise. He helps me see.
Here he speaks with clarity about food-meets-society in a fashion that, for me, cut through great noise.
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