CFC Blog #242: Visceral Fall

There is such a pervasive power in the rhythm of nature that I sometimes find I can’t even perceive it because I’m so deeply in it. We are PART of nature, after all. Reading Brynne’s words made me feel like a kid again, remembering crisp afternoons in the yard, ploughing through freshly raked piles of leaves. It reminds me that I’m still connected to the rhythm, even if I can’t always hear the beat.


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CFC Blog #166: Solutions, not Rules: A story of discovery from Restore NYC’s Safehome

I'm always taken aback by the way Brynne utilizes the artfulness of her words to challenge my own thought patterns and conceptions about the world and humanity. Her incredibly special and thought-provoking piece below reminds me to always dig towards the root of an issue in order to generate long term solutions ... there's usually MUCH more at the source of a problem than it seems initially... and perhaps sometimes it's best to totally replant the seeds to discover the true and freeing growth that can occur.

Your insights and perspective on this topic are so wonderful - thank you for sharing, Brynne.

- Amanda

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Brynne ThompsonComment

I wanted to share the writing Brynne created for her and I a couple weeks ago when we spoke at Restore’s annual gala. It was such a fun night as we brought many Community For Change people and we have come to know so many more in the Restore community. Restore has been a flagship relationship for the Community For Change for about 5 years.

Brynne’s comments strike at the heart of how we all practically make lasting change… pip

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Brynne ThompsonComment
CFC Blog #65: Writing It Out

I really had no no no idea how much I would benefit in working with Brynne Thompson when we started working together in 2006.

Way underestimated it.

I DID have a bit of a clue after the two of us had coffee at a Starbucks in Times Square in 2004 as she was thinking of making some change from finance such that – here is my interpretation — she could put her giant heart (that is many sizes bigger than even her big wisdom-filled brain) to work more fully. Rarely did Wall Street associates want to have coffee with me to discuss how to escape Wall Street but far more often it was about wanting to talk about a future path that would get them more embroiled. Dave B connected us thinking maybe I might be helpful to this non-finance finance person Brynne! On reflection, i think I can see it was all a set up!! I have learned waaay more from Brynne since that Starbucks day than vice versa. Before long I am sure Brynne will fess up to the Starbucks set up she and Dave B concocted!

The note below from Brynne pushes through our normal word limit for the blogs… but geesh I think you will want to read every word. There so so much here and Brynne pulls it altogether. You may likely re-read it AND read the stories from Liesel. So so powerful.


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Brynne ThompsonComment
CFC Blog #12: "Each of us is more than the worst thing we've ever done."

This beautiful piece from Brynne brings to light that above anything else, beyond any and all our mistakes, challenges, and restrictions, we are human beings…with souls hungry for acknowledgement, care, and love. Perhaps we don't need to look to solve everyone else’s problems. Perhaps instead we can put forth our efforts to providing companionship, looking deeper into true character and simply being there.

- Amanda

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CFC INSIGHTS: Unlocking educational opportunities for girls in a culture geared toward arranged marriage: The work of Azim Premji Philanthropic Initiatives

Earlier this fall, Pip and I got to video chat with Lan from India to catch up and connect together from different continents. Some of you may know Lan from CFC and Crosby events, and he's cc'd here.

During our conversation, I stopped Lan mid-stream to ask permission to write a few paragraphs on what he had just told us. Below is my best attempt to encapsulate the power of the work he is doing with the Azim Premji Foundation specifically on education for girls. The goal of the program is to help their families and communities see the value in their education instead of arranged marriage, which is often seen as the lesser of two evils.

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